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Haines, Bryce
218 - Sharpening the Pencil! CFD applied to Canals, Tunnels, and Siphons
Bryce Haines
Haldi, Erika
American Society of Civil Engineers
EWRI 101
Erika Haldi
Halgren, James
Alabama Water Institute
109 - Strategies for Evaluating the Performance of NHDPlus-based Continental-scale Hydrologic Models in Predicting Flood and Drought Events
James Halgren
Hall, Brian
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Levee and Dam Breach Modeling
Brian Hall
Hall, Steven
425 - Rapidly Characterizing Surface Water Properties Using a Tethered UAV Sensor Package
Steven Hall
Hamidi, Sajad Ahmad
Slippery Rock University
9 - Experimental Study on Erosion of Opposing Bank at the Confluence of a Culvert and a Channel
Sajad Ahmad Hamidi
494 - Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrodynamics and Thermal Structure of Green Bay, Lake Michigan
Sajad Ahmad Hamidi
Handa, Saki
Optimatics, a SUEZ Company
Introduction to Great Lakes Water Management
Saki Handa
Navigating Your Career
Saki Handa
499 - Optimizing Resiliency: A Framework for Resilient Water Systems
Saki Handa
614 - Maximize the Effectiveness of Existing Wet-Weather Infrastructure through Operational Optimization
Saki Handa
Hanley, Jack
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
255 - Spatially Detailed Irrigation Footprints of Agricultural Production and Supply Chains within the United States
Jack Hanley
257 - Irrigation by Produce and Feed Crop in the Continental United States from 2008 to 2020
Jack Hanley
Hannah, David
60 - Diagnosing Controls of Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Water Pollution: Leveraging Smart Sensor Networks and Real-Time Data for Process Understanding (SMARTWATER)
David Hannah
Hansen, Carly
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
298 - Declining Reservoir Storage Capacity in the US – What can Existing Data Tell Us?
Carly Hansen
Hansen, Jim
265 - Resilient Stormwater Infrastructure and Water Quality Improvements City of Naples, Florida
Jim Hansen
Hantush, Mohamed
U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development
403 - Evaluating a Conceptual Hydrological Model Using Machine Learning Based Limits-of-Acceptability and Hydrological Signatures
Mohamed Hantush
Haque, Addrita
Clarkson University
580 - Effect of Rainfall on Microplastic Accumulation in a Canal Ecosystem
Addrita Haque
585 - Microplastic Pollution in a Canal: Seasonal and Spatial Impact
Addrita Haque
590 - Effect of Wastewater Treatment Plants on Microplastics in Mussels and their Surrounding Environment
Addrita Haque
Hardesty, Deanna
U.S. Geological Survey
129 - Using Repeat Lidar to Identify Streambank Erosion Hotspots in Raleigh, North Carolina
Deanna Hardesty
Hardikar, Mukta
575 - Changing Energy Requirements to Meet Future Water Demand
Mukta Hardikar
Harper, Christopher
63 - Drinking Water in Oil and Gas Wells to Be Abandoned. - A Technical Guide for the Oil Industry to Supply Water to Resource-poor Communities
Christopher Harper
Hart, David
Sandia National Laboratories
261 - Landslide Pipe Criticality Analysis Linking Hazard and Social Vulnerability Data
David Hart
268 - Adding Multispecies Water Quality Reactions to Resilience Modeling Tools
David Hart
Hasan, Md. Fahad
Bangladesh Water Development Board
330 - The Adaptive Approach for Riverbank Erosion Management in Bangladesh
Md. Fahad Hasan
Hasan, Rafin
56 - Utilizing Public-Domain Models and Datasets for Resolving Interstate Groundwater Disputes: A Mississippi v. Tennessee Case Study
Rafin Hasan
Hasnain Iltaf, Khawaja
120 - Mapping Lake Arlington Water Quality Parameters (Chlorophyll-a, Phycocyanin, and Turbidity) at a Regional Scale Integrating Sentinel-2 (S2) Observations with ArcGIS Pro
Khawaja Hasnain Iltaf
Hassani, Farhad
310 - Investigating Temporal and Spatial Long-Term Trends of Precipitation, Temperature, and Atmospheric Pressure over the Conterminous United States (CONUS)
Farhad Hassani
Hastie, Allisa
Stanford University
Resilience in Sustainability
Allisa Hastie
Social Equity in Water and Environmental Infrastructure Systems - II
Allisa Hastie
Sustainability Committee Meeting
Allisa Hastie
342 - In Our Own Backyards: Assessing Septic Failures in the Rural South Through Community Engaged Research
Allisa Hastie
Hathaway, Jon
University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Stormwater Treatment at the Watershed Scale
Jon Hathaway
Urban Water Resources Research Council (UWRRC) Committee Meeting
Jon Hathaway
518 - The Role of Estimated Soil Parameters on Bioretention Modeling
Jon Hathaway
538 - Hydrologic Partitioning in Urban Watersheds Using Microbial Community Fingerprints
Jon Hathaway
645 - Does Improved Site Scale Modeling of Bioretention Translate to Better Estimating Watershed Scale Benefits?
Jon Hathaway
Haxton, Terra
261 - Landslide Pipe Criticality Analysis Linking Hazard and Social Vulnerability Data
Terra Haxton
268 - Adding Multispecies Water Quality Reactions to Resilience Modeling Tools
Terra Haxton
Hay, Christopher
Iowa Soybean Association
542 - Evaluating Drainage Water Recycling for Crop Production and Water Quality in Iowa
Christopher Hay
Hayes, Gail
610 - Performance Monitoring of Roadside Green Infrastructure: The Different Stories that Alternate Metrics Tell
Gail Hayes
Hayworth, Joel
Auburn University
89 - Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Simulations in the Perdido and Wolf Bay System Under Various Scenarios
Joel Hayworth
He, Charlie
286 - Can I Trust a Black Box? Predicting Coagulation Effluent Water Quality and Coagulant Dose with Machine Learning
Charlie He
Heineman, Mitchell
CDM Smith
The Next Generation of SWMM: A Workshop for Stakeholders and Partners
Mitchell Heineman
655 - Urban Hydrologic Modeling using NOAA’s Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Data
Mitchell Heineman
Helmers, Matthew
542 - Evaluating Drainage Water Recycling for Crop Production and Water Quality in Iowa
Matthew Helmers
He, Mengjie
Lamar University
30 - Dissolved Oxygen Prediction and Forecasting with Machine Learning Models in the Lower Neches River, Texas
Mengjie He
Henderson, Derek
610 - Performance Monitoring of Roadside Green Infrastructure: The Different Stories that Alternate Metrics Tell
Derek Henderson
Hendrickson, Greg
University of Texas at Austin
186 - Optimizing Equitable Supply in Intermittent Water Systems: Conceptualizing the Supply Hierarchy using Volume-driven Demand Modeling
Greg Hendrickson
Henk, Bridget
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD)
The Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern (AOC) Dredged Material Management Facility (DMMF) – Enabling $450M in Industrial Legacy Contaminated Sediment Cleanup
Bridget Henk
Herb, William
University of Minnesota
28 - Five Things We’ve Learned about Road Salt Impacts and Alternatives
William Herb
276 - Changes in Upper Midwestern Extreme Rainfall Depth Estimates from TP40 to Today: Is Climate Change to Blame?
William Herb
Hergott, Matthew
Verisk Analytics
600 - Developing a Large-Scale Hydraulics Flood Model for Canada
Matthew Hergott
Hernandez Gonzalez, Liliana
25 - Monitoring the Hydrologic Performance and Stormwater Storage of Urban Prairies
Liliana Hernandez Gonzalez
Hernandez, Cesar Davila
605 - A Toolset for Synthetic River Bathymetry Generation. Integrating Remote Sensing and Other Data Through the Principle of Maximum Entropy.
Cesar Davila Hernandez
Hernandez, Elma Annette
124 - Two-Stage Downscaling of CMIP6 Dataset Using RNN-LSTM for Analyzing Future Drought and Flood Extremities in the Gulf of Mexico Region
Elma Annette Hernandez
Hernandez, Felipe
Autodesk Inc.
Graduate Student Committee Panel Discussion
Felipe Hernandez
118 - Adaptive Chemical Mixing Resolution to Accelerate Water Quality Simulations without Accuracy Loss
Felipe Hernandez
Hernandez-Ortiz, Juan Pablo
45 - Hydroclimatic Forecasting to inform Anticipatory Action for Dengue Burden in Colombia
Juan Pablo Hernandez-Ortiz
Hess, Amanda
252 - Effects of Sampling Interval on Understanding Storm Characteristics
Amanda Hess
307 - Linking Storm Type and Sediment Transport within GSI
Amanda Hess
Hess, Brett
HNTB Corporation
280 - An Integrated and Multidisciplinary Approach in Fish Passage Barrier Removal and Stream Restoration in Washington State
Brett Hess
Hewes, Bill
Carbon Activated Corporation
182 - The New Intermediate Pumping Station Odor Control BioTrickling Filter Project: Operations, Maintenance, and Performance Data at Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant in City of Los Angeles, California
Bill Hewes
Hietpas, Kaitlynn
University of Wisconsin-Madison
510 - Climate Conditioned Season Ahead Streamflow Forecast Development for the Upper Colorado River Basin
Kaitlynn Hietpas
Hills, Mindy
Contech Engineered Solutions
559 - Stormwater Media Filtration Technical Report: Developing Media Selection Tools
Mindy Hills
Hinman, Curtis
559 - Stormwater Media Filtration Technical Report: Developing Media Selection Tools
Curtis Hinman
Hinton, Darren
624 - From Reservoir to Riverine - Long Canyon Diversion Improvements
Darren Hinton
Hiraga, Yusuke
48 - Synoptic Scale Controls on Warm Season Precipitation Deficit in the US Northern Rockies: A Driver of Recent Wildfire Activities
Yusuke Hiraga
Hodges, Ben
University of Texas at Austin
Panel Discussion on Current Status, Challenges, and Opportunities of 2D Modeling
Ben Hodges
The Next Generation of SWMM: A Workshop for Stakeholders and Partners
Ben Hodges
320 - Rainfall Spatiotemporal Variability Effects on Adverse Flow Conditions in Urban Stormwater Systems: A Case Study of the Richmond Tunnel in San Francisco, California
Ben Hodges
383 - Proxy Methods for Quantifying Geyser Potential in Stormwater Networks
Ben Hodges
414 - Enhancing the Efficiency of Drainage Network Partitioning for Parallel Computing
Ben Hodges
551 - Progress in Development of the SWMM5+ Hydraulic Model
Ben Hodges
605 - A Toolset for Synthetic River Bathymetry Generation. Integrating Remote Sensing and Other Data Through the Principle of Maximum Entropy.
Ben Hodges
608 - An Equivalent Orifice for Short Conduits in SWMM
Ben Hodges
Hodson, Abigayle
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
575 - Changing Energy Requirements to Meet Future Water Demand
Abigayle Hodson
Hoffmann, Greg
305 - DC’s Stormwater Decade: Looking Back and Looking Forward
Greg Hoffmann
Hofheinz Giacomoni, Marcio
557 - Assessment of LID Performance through Integration of Permeable Pavements with Digital Twins.
Marcio Hofheinz Giacomoni
Hogan, Scott
Federal Highway Administration
Automated Meshing and 3D Visualizations for 2D Bridges and Culverts in SMS/SRH-2D
Scott Hogan
Hydraulics Modeling for Transportation Infrastructure - III
Scott Hogan
Panel Discussion on Current Status, Challenges, and Opportunities of 2D Modeling
Scott Hogan
Two-Dimensional Modeling of Structures for Detailed Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Analyses
Scott Hogan
Hogge, Joseph
Sandia National Laboratories
261 - Landslide Pipe Criticality Analysis Linking Hazard and Social Vulnerability Data
Joseph Hogge
Holbert, Charles
231 - Analyzing Heavily Censored Surface Water Pesticide Concentration Data Using Innovative Statistical Techniques
Charles Holbert
Holsen, Thomas
580 - Effect of Rainfall on Microplastic Accumulation in a Canal Ecosystem
Thomas Holsen
585 - Microplastic Pollution in a Canal: Seasonal and Spatial Impact
Thomas Holsen
590 - Effect of Wastewater Treatment Plants on Microplastics in Mussels and their Surrounding Environment
Thomas Holsen
Homem-de-Mello, Tito
458 - Multisite Streamflow Synthetic Simulations, Some Challenges Regarding Spatial and Temporal Correlation: Possible Solutions Using Weighted-modified Fractional Gaussian Noise
Tito Homem-de-Mello
Hong, Yi
Simulation of Compound Flood Risk in Milwaukee, WI and Berrien County, MI
Yi Hong
Hopkins, Kristina
U.S. Geological Survey
129 - Using Repeat Lidar to Identify Streambank Erosion Hotspots in Raleigh, North Carolina
Kristina Hopkins
Hoque, S M Mushfiqul
Florida State University
198 - Evaluating Stormwater Green Infrastructure Performance in the Face of Climate Change: A Case Study of Coastal – Urban Watershed.
S M Mushfiqul Hoque
Horn, Brad
451 - Microbial Fouling Control in Groundwater Extraction and Treatment: Pilot Studies of Agents’ Efficacy and Fate
Brad Horn
Horsburgh, Jeffery
420 - Advancing Camera-Based Monitoring for Operational Water Resource Applications
Jeffery Horsburgh
Hosahalli Narayana Reddy, Vivek
Waggoner Engineering
495 - Identifying and Quantifying Stream Erosion and Deposition using Aerial Imagery and Digital Elevation Model Technique
Vivek Hosahalli Narayana Reddy
497 - Advanced Tools and Techniques for Setting Stormwater Utility Fee
Vivek Hosahalli Narayana Reddy
Hosseinizadeh, Atieh
Morgan State University
301 - Separating Infiltration and Runoff from Precipitation over Anacostia River Watershed, Maryland
Atieh Hosseinizadeh
Hosseiny, Hossein
506 - Near Real-Time Flood Inundation Prediction using Sentinel-1 Imagery and Deep Learning
Hossein Hosseiny
Hotchkiss, Rollin
Brigham Young University
656 (repeat) - Drainage Area Limitations of Single Watershed, Peak Flow Estimates with NRCS Methods (this is a repeat presentation)
Rollin Hotchkiss
Hydraulics Modeling for Transportation Infrastructure - II
Rollin Hotchkiss
Urban Flood Simulation - II
Rollin Hotchkiss
656 - Drainage Area Limitations of Single Watershed, Peak Flow Estimates with NRCS Methods
Rollin Hotchkiss
Houghton, Erin
338 - Innovative Strategies and Watershed-Based Approaches for Nutrient Permit Compliance
Erin Houghton
Housh, Mashor
Haifa University
156 - OWPF Solutions using Polyhedral and Conic Relaxations
Mashor Housh
Howarth, Marina
US Army Corps of Engineers
568 - Perspectives on Permitting and Environmental Review of Nature-Based Solutions
Marina Howarth
574 - Nature-based Solutions for Fluvial Flooding Need Consistent Performance Metrics and Reporting Standards
Marina Howarth
Hoy, Matt
603 - Coupling Numerical and Physical Models to Evaluate Riprap Stability in High Turbulence Zone for the Mid-Breton Sediment Diversion Project
Matt Hoy
Huang, Cindy
655 - Urban Hydrologic Modeling using NOAA’s Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Data
Cindy Huang
Huang, Jing
604 - Using conceptual hydrological models for runoff simulation and attribution analysis in the source area of the Yellow River (China)
Jing Huang
Huang, Shawn
Autodesk Inc
Water Hammer in Water Systems: Analysis and Mitigation with Hands-On Training
Shawn Huang
118 - Adaptive Chemical Mixing Resolution to Accelerate Water Quality Simulations without Accuracy Loss
Shawn Huang
Hu, Beichao
Florida International University
141 - Enhancing Near Real-Time Flood Forecasting Using Spatial Distributed PERSIANN Datea in an Automatic H&H Framework
Beichao Hu
319 - CFD Simulation of Aeration and Mixing Process in a Waste Water Treatment Plant
Beichao Hu
Hughes, Jamie
Clean Water Services
462 - Optimizing Water Quality Monitoring Locations for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
Jamie Hughes
Hu, Henry
280 - An Integrated and Multidisciplinary Approach in Fish Passage Barrier Removal and Stream Restoration in Washington State
Henry Hu
Hummel, Michelle
University of Texas at Arlington
168 - Hydrodynamic and Salinity Response to Tidal Restoration in the Herring River Estuary, MA Considering Present and Future Sea Levels
Michelle Hummel
272 - Effect of Sea-level Rise on Hurricane-induced Compound Flooding and Economic Damages
Michelle Hummel
373 - Urban Coastlines at Risk: Identifying Physical, Social, and Sociophysical Vulnerability Drivers in Texas’ Coastal Bend
Michelle Hummel
Hunter, Brandon
342 - In Our Own Backyards: Assessing Septic Failures in the Rural South Through Community Engaged Research
Brandon Hunter
Hunter, James
Morgan State University
417 - Urban Flood Modeling in Response to Extreme Rainfall Events
James Hunter
515 - The Financial Face of Clean Water: Phase I MS4 Municipality's Stormwater Utility Experience in the Mid-Atlantic Region
James Hunter
Hunt, William
North Carolina State University
375 - Evaluating the Water Quality and Hydrologic Performance of Bio-swales in North Carolina
William Hunt
Hussain, Mohammad
University of Wisconsin-Madison
260 - Process-based Flood Frequency Analysis: A Key to Unlock the Impacts of Climate Change on Floods
Mohammad Hussain
318 - Rainfall Frequency Analysis from the Point to the Watershed Scale
Mohammad Hussain
Hutchison, Justin
University of Kansas
180 - Defining Equity and Resilience for Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Justin Hutchison
Hutton, Paul
204 - Extending Monthly Flow Back to 1872 for the Watersheds in the Central Valley of California and Assessing Historical Change and Variability Using Seasonal Decomposition and Regression
Paul Hutton
Hu, Zhongjie
94 - Data Driven System Identification of Water Distribution Systems via Kernel-Based Interpolation
Zhongjie Hu