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Da Silva Pinilla, Rebeca
63 - Drinking Water in Oil and Gas Wells to Be Abandoned. - A Technical Guide for the Oil Industry to Supply Water to Resource-poor Communities
Rebeca Da Silva Pinilla
DaBramo, Liz
Woodard & Curran
391 - Water Management Decision Support using Innovative Applications of Integrated Surface Water-Groundwater Models
Liz DaBramo
Dahal, Bed Mani
102 - Microbial Community Structures in Anaerobic Digesters Reveal Potentially Differing Waste Conversion Pathways
Bed Mani Dahal
Dahal, Rajati
295 - Community Engagement in Coastal Ohio for the Resiliency of Storm Drainage Infrastructure against Climate Change
Rajati Dahal
D'Alessio, Matteo
80 - Applications of Graphene Sand Composites in Water Treatment
Matteo D'Alessio
Daniels, Ben
UC Davis
597 - Mountainous Watershed Modeling with WEHY-HCM: A Case Study from Trinity Watershed in California
Ben Daniels
Dantzer, Travis
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
459 - Provably Safe Dual-mode Controller for a Stormwater Software Model Using a Linear, Time-invariant System Approximation
Travis Dantzer
483 - Feedback Control of Gravity Flow Systems Using Automatically Generated System Approximations
Travis Dantzer
Danz, Mari
456 - Permeable Pavement Subsurface Temperature Properties: Implications for Deicer Reduction
Mari Danz
489 - Rapid Assessment of Green Infrastructure to Identify Factors that Affect System Longevity
Mari Danz
Darafshani, Mahsa Samadi
310 - Investigating Temporal and Spatial Long-Term Trends of Precipitation, Temperature, and Atmospheric Pressure over the Conterminous United States (CONUS)
Mahsa Samadi Darafshani
Dasika, Nagesh Kumar
Indian Institute of Science
114 - Interaction Network of Land-use on Climatic Extremes through Attention Mechanism
Nagesh Kumar Dasika
Dastgir, Aun
University of Innsbruck
414 - Enhancing the Efficiency of Drainage Network Partitioning for Parallel Computing
Aun Dastgir
Datti, Brianna
Craftwater Engineering Inc.
282 - From Management Program to Meaningful Projects – How Pasadena Created an Implementable Pathway to Progress Towards MS4 Compliance
Brianna Datti
283 - Are Stormwater Managers Getting Burned: Modeling Fire Effects in the Upper Los Angeles River
Brianna Datti
Dave, Hari
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
433 - Analysis of Urban Water Usage for Small and Mid-sized Cities in the CONUS
Hari Dave
Davidson, Keely
295 - Community Engagement in Coastal Ohio for the Resiliency of Storm Drainage Infrastructure against Climate Change
Keely Davidson
Davis, Allen
University of Maryland
47 - Performance of Compost-Biochar Amended Soils in the terms of Vegetation, Water Quality, and Hydraulic Properties
Allen Davis
314 - Influence of Historic and Current Land Use Practices on PCB Contamination of Soils and Stormwater Sediments in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Allen Davis
Davis, Danao
619 - Estimating Ecohydrological Changes at the Vinton Furnace State Experimental Forest, Ohio
Danao Davis
Dawadi, Srijana
21 - Hydraulic Design of an Environmental Water Supply System for Wetland Hydration: A Case Study in the Central Florida Everglades
Srijana Dawadi
De Florio, Mario
49 - Enhancing Modeling of Drinking Water Quality with Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs): Learning from incomplete Reaction Model and Incomplete Data
Mario De Florio
Deago, Jeraldo
530 - Minor Losses Due to Obstructions in Gravity Sewers
Jeraldo Deago
Debnath, Mohana
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
271 - Evaluating Seawater Intrusion in Miami-Dade County with the Urban Miami Dade Model in the Context of Rising Sea Levels
Mohana Debnath
DeJonge, Kendall
Evapotranspiration in Irrigation and Hydrology Committee Meeting
Kendall DeJonge
Dell'Aira, Francesco
University of Memphis
406 - On the Systematic Underestimation of Frequent Floods in the U.S.
Francesco Dell'Aira
463 - How Does Rain-gauge Network Density and Resolution Affect Hourly and Sub-hourly Rainfall Frequency Estimates? An Analysis Using High Spatio-temporal Resolution Rainfall Data
Francesco Dell'Aira
558 - At-a-Station and Spatial Variability of Hershfield Rainfall Sampling Adjustment Factors: Implications for Engineering Practice
Francesco Dell'Aira
560 - A New Hydrologic Connectivity-based Index for Peak-flow Prediction in Ungauged Urban Basins
Francesco Dell'Aira
Demir, Ece
648 - Assessment of circular economy potential in water and agriculture sectors in the context of WEF Nexus in Türkiye
Ece Demir
649 - Enhancing watershed management through stakeholder analysis (SA) and social network analysis (SNA)
Ece Demir
Demir, Yasemin
649 - Enhancing watershed management through stakeholder analysis (SA) and social network analysis (SNA)
Yasemin Demir
Deri̇n Güre, Pınar
649 - Enhancing watershed management through stakeholder analysis (SA) and social network analysis (SNA)
Pınar Deri̇n Güre
DeRolph, Christopher
207 - Shifted Flood Frequencies in the Mid-Atlantic US: Insights from Downscaled CMIP6 Hydroclimate Projections
Christopher DeRolph
DeSousa, Stacie
University of Colorado - Boulder
609 - Denver's Pluvial Predicament: A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Publicly-Reported Street Flooding
Stacie DeSousa
Devlin, Eric
502 - Defining the US Urban Flood Challenge
Eric Devlin
Dewitt, Eric
Clarkson University
637 - Exploring the Effect of Instream Boulders on Bed Load Transport
Eric Dewitt
Dhakal, Nirajan
Spelman College
34 - Evaluation of Compound Extreme Events in a Changing Climate at the Department of Energy Environmental Management Sites
Nirajan Dhakal
Dhital, Kapil
Ftn Associates Ltd.
154 - Application of Pre-processed Radar-Based Gridded Precipitation using Streamlined Workflow of HECHMS and HECRAS
Kapil Dhital
Diab, Ghada
645 - Does Improved Site Scale Modeling of Bioretention Translate to Better Estimating Watershed Scale Benefits?
Ghada Diab
Diaz, Andres
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis
473 - Depth-Area Analysis of Precipitation Outputs from the Numerical Atmospheric Model
Andres Diaz
Dilliott, Nicolas
Engineering Analytics, Inc.
451 - Microbial Fouling Control in Groundwater Extraction and Treatment: Pilot Studies of Agents’ Efficacy and Fate
Nicolas Dilliott
Ding, Yan
144 - Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport in Unsteady Open Channel Flow
Yan Ding
Dix, Brenda
76 - New Inland Flooding Design Standards and Procedures for Resilience in the Face of Climate Change
Brenda Dix
Dixon, Justyce
228 - Revolutionizing the Milwaukee County Zoo: A Haven for our Hippo Friends
Justyce Dixon
265 - Resilient Stormwater Infrastructure and Water Quality Improvements City of Naples, Florida
Justyce Dixon
Donahey, Karah
9 - Experimental Study on Erosion of Opposing Bank at the Confluence of a Culvert and a Channel
Karah Donahey
Donald, Wesley
85 - Long-term and Design Rainfall-Runoff Simulations of Infiltration Swales along Alabama Roads
Wesley Donald
Doneff, Amy
470 - Flood Protection Assessment for Water Treatment Plant – Chesterfield County, VA
Amy Doneff
Dongre, Shilpa
68 - Improvement of Computational Efficiency of Rao-II for Water Distribution Network Design by Infusing Search Space Reduction and Self-Adaptive Penalty
Shilpa Dongre
Doody, Alexandra
101 - Using CFD to Evaluate Mixing and Flow Distribution to Optimize Biological Nutrient Removal and Hydrocyclone Performance
Alexandra Doody
Dorian, Bethany
6 - Long-term Investment Modeling of Water Distribution Infrastructure
Bethany Dorian
Dorman, Troy
Joint Meeting of the Tech ExCom & Member Services ExCom
Troy Dorman
Nature-Based Solutions in Detail
Troy Dorman
Doss-Gollin, James
205 - Spatially Varying and Duration Dependent Covariate Model: A Hierarchical Bayesian Framework for Multi-duration Extreme Precipitation Frequency Analysis in Texas
James Doss-Gollin
Doung, Ricky
263 - Climate Risk-Informed Floodplain Mapping: Developing Modeling and Communication Approaches
Ricky Doung
Downs, Gavin
269 - An Application of a 2D Sediment Transport Model to Assess Potential Changes to Physical Habitat Resulting from the 2017 Oroville Dam Spillway Incident
Gavin Downs
Drakatos, Ioannis-Sokratis
213 - Advanced 2-D Scour Analysis of the Piers of the New Goethals Bridge
Ioannis-Sokratis Drakatos
Draude, Sabrina
The University of British Columbia
Graduate Student Committee Panel Discussion
Sabrina Draude
439 - Deep Learning for Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Future Water Demand at the University of British Columbia
Sabrina Draude
Duan, Jennifer
University of Arizona
144 - Numerical Simulation of Sediment Transport in Unsteady Open Channel Flow
Jennifer Duan
146 - Quantify Post Wildfire Curve Numbers in Arid Watersheds
Jennifer Duan
146 - Quantify Post Wildfire Curve Numbers in Arid Watersheds
Jennifer Duan
Duan, Yanchong
472 - Large-scale Coherent Structures in Rough-bed Open-channel Flows: Direct Numerical Simulation and Implications
Yanchong Duan
Duchesne, Sophie
147 - Robust Booster Disinfection Scheduling Using Non-uniform Mixing Water Quality Models
Sophie Duchesne
Duchniak, Daniel
Waukesha Water Utility
Waukesha Diversion Completed Under Great Lakes Compact
Daniel Duchniak
582 - Successful Implementation of the Compact: Collaborating for Approval of a Lake Michigan Diversion with Return Flow for Waukesha, WI
Daniel Duchniak
Duncan, Jonathan
324 - Optimum Planning of Agricultural Conservation Practices at Watershed Scale
Jonathan Duncan
Dunlap, James Anthony
527 - Immersive Virtual Reality Learning Environment from Historic Flood at a Bridge Site
James Anthony Dunlap
Dunn, Garret
603 - Coupling Numerical and Physical Models to Evaluate Riprap Stability in High Turbulence Zone for the Mid-Breton Sediment Diversion Project
Garret Dunn
Dupasquier, Matt
Marquette University
8 - Applying Machine Learning to Remote Sensing Methods to Evaluate Green Stormwater Infrastructure Vegetation Health
Matt Dupasquier
Durbic, Mario
251 - East Baton Rouge Parish Flood Mitigation Master Planning
Mario Durbic
Duren, Angela
Northwest Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
65 - Historical Reconstruction of Precipitation and Temperature Fields over British Columbia
Angela Duren
471 - Configuration and Validation of the WRF Model for the Columbia River Basin
Angela Duren
473 - Depth-Area Analysis of Precipitation Outputs from the Numerical Atmospheric Model
Angela Duren
Dushane, Kyle
624 - From Reservoir to Riverine - Long Canyon Diversion Improvements
Kyle Dushane
Dwyre, Lauren
655 - Urban Hydrologic Modeling using NOAA’s Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Data
Lauren Dwyre
Dziedzic, Mauricio
441 - An Improved Bayesian Model for Dam Break Risk Assessment
Mauricio Dziedzic
Dziedzic, Rebecca
Concordia University
Coffee and Conversation with the Women-Water Nexus
Rebecca Dziedzic
Graduate Student Committee Panel Discussion
Rebecca Dziedzic
Navigating Your Career
Rebecca Dziedzic
Water Distribution System Data Analytics, System Operation, and Control - II
Rebecca Dziedzic
71 - Framework for Predicting Water Main Breaks in the Face of Climate Change
Rebecca Dziedzic
174 - Holistic Assessment of Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts of Pipe Breaks: A Case study of Vancouver
Rebecca Dziedzic
Dzombak, David
Carnegie Mellon University
Panel Discussion: Innovation in Civil Engineering Education for Future Ready Civil Engineers
David Dzombak