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Cabezas-Nivin, Oscar
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
552 - Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use on Projections of Erosion and Sediment Production in the Jequetepeque River Basin in the Peruvian Andes
Oscar Cabezas-Nivin
Cadavid, Luis
South Florida Water Management District
454 - Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling to Study Maximum Allowable Gate Openings at Spillways
Luis Cadavid
Cai, Ximing
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
175 - A Forecast Informed Reservoir Operation (FIRO) Framework Based on Coupled Analytical and Empirical Approaches
Ximing Cai
360 - Understanding the Impacts of Policy and Stakeholder Behavior on Surface Water Quality Through a Coupled ABM + SWAT Model
Ximing Cai
432 - Regional Water Availability Changes Resulting from Human Interferences in Hydrology
Ximing Cai
433 - Analysis of Urban Water Usage for Small and Mid-sized Cities in the CONUS
Ximing Cai
Campbell, Daniel
636 - Rising Above the Challenges of Coastal Flooding in the Caribbean: A Comprehensive Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy
Daniel Campbell
638 - Agricultural Irrigation Systems in the Caribbean using RAM Pump Technology
Daniel Campbell
Cancelliere, Antonino
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Catania
406 - On the Systematic Underestimation of Frequent Floods in the U.S.
Antonino Cancelliere
Cannon, David
226 - Sediment Transport and Retention in Complex Biological Canopies: Applications to the Design of Natural Infrastructure
David Cannon
Cantrell, Rebecca
58 - Towards Improved Understanding of Water Services in Rural Alaska
Rebecca Cantrell
Cao, Yongcheng
University of Maryland, College Park
314 - Influence of Historic and Current Land Use Practices on PCB Contamination of Soils and Stormwater Sediments in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Yongcheng Cao
Carey, Lindsey
46 - Status of 2009 – 2022 Water Consumption Across Massachusetts Public Water Suppliers
Lindsey Carey
Carley, Ellie
Engineers Without Borders USA
Community Engineering Corps – Striving Towards Equitable Water Infrastructure
Ellie Carley
Carr, Kara
University of California, Davis
Computational Hydraulics Technical Committee Meeting
Kara Carr
Kara Carr
How to Build Reliability in the Results of Numerical Modeling
Kara Carr
Carr, Steve
Colorado Springs Utilities
273 - Imagining a More Resilient and Sustainable Integrated Water Supply System at the United States Air Force Academy
Steve Carr
Castagna, Alessandro
572 - Multi-sector Multi-purpose Adaptation of Alpine water Systems in a Changing World
Alessandro Castagna
Castelletti, Andrea
Politecnico di Milano
405 - Mastering Multi-scale Ensemble Forecasts Using Reinforcement Learning for Advancing Forecast Informed Reservoir Operation
Andrea Castelletti
572 - Multi-sector Multi-purpose Adaptation of Alpine water Systems in a Changing World
Andrea Castelletti
Castro-Bolinaga, Celso
North Carolina State University
Sediment Transport Modeling - III
Celso Castro-Bolinaga
425 - Rapidly Characterizing Surface Water Properties Using a Tethered UAV Sensor Package
Celso Castro-Bolinaga
587 - Development and Validation of an Integrated Modeling Approach to Reconstruct the Propagation of Fluvial Sediment Pulses After Dam Removals
Celso Castro-Bolinaga
Catano, Yovanni
Black and Veatch
CFD Application in Water Treatment Committee Meeting
Yovanni Catano
319 - CFD Simulation of Aeration and Mixing Process in a Waste Water Treatment Plant
Yovanni Catano
Cayar, Mesut
Woodard & Curran
391 - Water Management Decision Support using Innovative Applications of Integrated Surface Water-Groundwater Models
Mesut Cayar
392 - Preparing for an Uncertain Future: Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Resources
Mesut Cayar
Cayuela, Manon
563 - Natural Coagulants as Pretreatment for Ultrafiltration: Relative Advantages and Performance Tradeoffs
Manon Cayuela
Chadwick, Cristian
Universidad Adolfo Ibanez
458 - Multisite Streamflow Synthetic Simulations, Some Challenges Regarding Spatial and Temporal Correlation: Possible Solutions Using Weighted-modified Fractional Gaussian Noise
Cristian Chadwick
Chakravorty, Anjan
150 - Calculation of Water Age Using Electrical Simulators
Anjan Chakravorty
Chambers, Matthew
University of Georgia
52 - Converting Borrow Pits to Constructed Wetlands to Improve Water Quality in the Middle Missouri River Basin
Matthew Chambers
Chanda, Mithu
545 - Microplastics in Urban Water Sediments: Abundance, Distribution and Analysis
Mithu Chanda
Chandramouli, Chandramouli Viswanathan
491 - Revised ANN Model to Predict E.Coli classes in Lake Michigan Beaches
Chandramouli Viswanathan Chandramouli
527 - Immersive Virtual Reality Learning Environment from Historic Flood at a Bridge Site
Chandramouli Viswanathan Chandramouli
Chan, Julianne
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Rutgers University
536 - Trends in Microplastic Methodologies from Database of Environmental Microplastic Observations (DEMO)
Julianne Chan
Chao, Xiaobo
University of Mississippi
Advances in Watershed Modeling and Applications - II
Xiaobo Chao
270 - Numerical Modeling of Flow, Sediment and Nutrients in Upland Watersheds and Downstream Channel Networks
Xiaobo Chao
409 - Total Maximum Daily Load Analysis and Modeling Advances: Connecting Climate Resilience, Socio-Environmental Systems, and Holistic Watershed Management
Xiaobo Chao
Charles, Stevens
University of Georgia
212 - Impact of Controlled Overtopping on Wetland Rehabilitation and Flood Control
Stevens Charles
Chaudhry, M. Hanif
350 - Laboratory Investigation on the Breaching of Biopolymer-Treated Dams and Embankments
M. Hanif Chaudhry
351 - Characterizing Optimum Water Content of Biopolymer-treated Sand
M. Hanif Chaudhry
352 - Comparison Between TELEMAC-2D/SISYPHE and a Slumping Failure Model to Simulate Breaching of Earthen Embankments
M. Hanif Chaudhry
353 - Modeling Planar Breaching of Biopolymer Treated Earthen Dams Caused by Overtopping
M. Hanif Chaudhry
407 - Enhancing Unsteady Flow Computations in Channel Networks using Sub-timing Technique
M. Hanif Chaudhry
423 - Developing Surrogate Models for Efficient Levee Breach Flow Estimation
M. Hanif Chaudhry
Chavan, Raj
393 - Revisiting the Basics: The Role of Advanced Treatment for PFAS (Forever Chemicals) Removal
Raj Chavan
Chavda, Digant
The Pennsylvania State University
178 - Prediction of climate change-induced alterations in streamflow and bridge scour and exploration of mitigation strategies: an application in a central Pennsylvania watershed
Digant Chavda
Cheema, Anjulie
500 - Modeling Collection System Climate Change Response and Uncertainty Using a Global Climate Model (GCM) Ensemble
Anjulie Cheema
501 - System-Scale Green Infrastructure Performance Evaluation and Prioritization Under Future Climate: GCM Data-informed Urban Hydrologic Modeling
Anjulie Cheema
614 - Maximize the Effectiveness of Existing Wet-Weather Infrastructure through Operational Optimization
Anjulie Cheema
Chegini, Taher
Purdue University
413 - Relative Effects of Urban Stormwater and Reservoir Management on Floods Over the U.S.
Taher Chegini
Cheng, Christina
125 - Assessing Multiple Ecosystem Services for Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Christina Cheng
Chen, Yanan
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
175 - A Forecast Informed Reservoir Operation (FIRO) Framework Based on Coupled Analytical and Empirical Approaches
Yanan Chen
432 - Regional Water Availability Changes Resulting from Human Interferences in Hydrology
Yanan Chen
Chester, Mikhail
Arizona State University
291 - A Data Driven Approach for Resilience Analysis of Water Distribution Networks
Mikhail Chester
437 - Synthetic Water Distribution Network Models: Challenges and Opportunities
Mikhail Chester
578 - From Data to Resilience: How Hybrid Modelling Informs Decision-Making
Mikhail Chester
Chini, Christopher
Air Force Institute of Technology
6 - Long-term Investment Modeling of Water Distribution Infrastructure
Christopher Chini
206 - Quantifying Hidden Costs: Investigating the Relationship Between Electricity Transfers among Balancing Authorities and Groundwater Depletion in the United States
Christopher Chini
311 - High-resolution Hydrodynamic Observations to Inform Decision-making in Interdependent Coastal Stormwater System
Christopher Chini
Chirnside, Anastasia
University of Delaware
Awards Committee Meeting
Anastasia Chirnside
Emerging Technologies in Irrigation Water Management
Anastasia Chirnside
Nutrient, Energy, and Water Resources Management Nexus
Anastasia Chirnside
Chitikela, S. Rao
RC-WEE Solutions LLC (USA)
Environmental Permitting
S. Rao Chitikela
Funding, Training, and Tools for Fish Passage and River Restoration
S. Rao Chitikela
Professional Ethics - Introduction and Review
S. Rao Chitikela
Renewables and Water
S. Rao Chitikela
31 - PFAS and Its Effects on Municipal Water Processing and Systems
S. Rao Chitikela
Cho, Eunsaem
79 - Unveiling Connections Between Shifting Reservoir Inflows Trend and Climate Variables in West and Southwest United States
Eunsaem Cho
Chowanski, Kurt
617 - Electrochemical Degradation of Fluorinated Compounds using Thin Films
Kurt Chowanski
Chowdhary, Hemant
606 - Copula-Based Event Simulation Approach for Catastrophe Flood Models
Hemant Chowdhary
639 - Impacts of Climate Change on Rainfall and Flooding Events in Great Britain
Hemant Chowdhary
Chowdhury, Tazrin
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
385 - Effects of Waste-to-Resource Biochar from Ground Corn Stover on Nitrate Removal from Water
Tazrin Chowdhury
Christenson, Mark
166 - City of Duluth Stormwater Management Plan
Mark Christenson
Christian, Alan
590 - Effect of Wastewater Treatment Plants on Microplastics in Mussels and their Surrounding Environment
Alan Christian
Chun, Chan
28 - Five Things We’ve Learned about Road Salt Impacts and Alternatives
Chan Chun
Chu, Xuefeng
North Dakota State University
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering - Editorial Board
Xuefeng Chu
42 - Incorporating Spatial Variabilities of Land Use and Soil Properties in Depression-Controlled Watershed-Scale Hydrologic Modeling
Xuefeng Chu
Ciuoderis, Karl
45 - Hydroclimatic Forecasting to inform Anticipatory Action for Dengue Burden in Colombia
Karl Ciuoderis
Clarkin, Timothy
259 - A Combined Operations and Planning Decision Support Tool for the Klamath Basin in Oregon and California
Timothy Clarkin
Clark, Shirley
Penn State Harrisburg’s School of Science, Engineering, and Technology
EWRI Governing Board Meeting
Shirley Clark
EWRI Governing Board Meeting
Shirley Clark
EWRI Strategic Planning Meeting
Shirley Clark
Open Discussion | Closing Remarks
Shirley Clark
Panel Discussion: Innovation in Civil Engineering Education for Future Ready Civil Engineers
Shirley Clark
Clary, Jane
521 - Monitoring the Effectiveness of Receiving Pervious Areas and Implications for Future Design, Construction and Evaluation
Jane Clary
Clement, T. Prabhakar
56 - Utilizing Public-Domain Models and Datasets for Resolving Interstate Groundwater Disputes: A Mississippi v. Tennessee Case Study
T. Prabhakar Clement
86 - An Empirical Framework for Calculating Recharge within the Contiguous United States
T. Prabhakar Clement
88 - A Machine Learning Model for Predicting Groundwater Recharge using Groundwater Level Monitoring Data
T. Prabhakar Clement
91 - Use of Physics-Infused Neural Networks for Solving Different Types of Environmental Transport Problems
T. Prabhakar Clement
136 - Development of Two-Dimensional Benchmark Problems for Testing Richards Equation-Based Numerical Solvers
T. Prabhakar Clement
216 - A Modified Experimental Approach for Estimating Unsaturated Soil Hydraulic Properties using the Evaporation Method
T. Prabhakar Clement
278 - Utilizing Remotely Sensed GRACE Data for Streamflow and Groundwater Recharge Estimation in CONUS River Basins
T. Prabhakar Clement
Colligan, Chris
571 - Developing a Comprehensive Water Quality Master Plan: A Teton County, Wyoming, Case Study
Chris Colligan
Conner, Randy
Chicago Department of Water Management (DMW)
City of Chicago-Joliet Water Agreement
Randy Conner
Coopmans, Calvin
425 - Rapidly Characterizing Surface Water Properties Using a Tethered UAV Sensor Package
Calvin Coopmans
Corsi, Brianna
526 - Changing Middle Rio Grande Channel Conditions Highway 550 to Montano Road Bridge
Brianna Corsi
Courtice, Gregory
Applied Ecohydraulics
503 - Environmental Management of In-River Construction: Understudied and Mismanaged?
Gregory Courtice
Coyle, Susan
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD)
Chasing the HGL: Influence of Extreme Lake & River Levels on the MMSD Conveyance System
Susan Coyle
Crane, David
52 - Converting Borrow Pits to Constructed Wetlands to Improve Water Quality in the Middle Missouri River Basin
David Crane
Creaco, Enrico
University of Pavia
174 - Holistic Assessment of Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts of Pipe Breaks: A Case study of Vancouver
Enrico Creaco
Cross, Eric
Pyramid Geophysics
374 - Hydrogeologic Characterization of Sand/Gravel Aquifers and Stratigraphic Analysis Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography
Eric Cross
Crown, Julia
Clean Water Services
462 - Optimizing Water Quality Monitoring Locations for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
Julia Crown
Cubas, Francisco
564 - Digital Twin of Aerated Stabilization Basin: Navigating Environmental Compliance and Sustainability Goals for Industrial Facilities
Francisco Cubas
Curran, Joanna
USACE Seattle
Flood Forecasting and Modeling - II
Joanna Curran
Curtis, Hannah
University of Wisconsin-Madison
190 - Drivers of Water Level Fluctuations in Stormwater Detention Ponds and their Relation to Ecosystem Services
Hannah Curtis
Czapiga, Matthew
University of South Carolina
350 - Laboratory Investigation on the Breaching of Biopolymer-Treated Dams and Embankments
Matthew Czapiga
351 - Characterizing Optimum Water Content of Biopolymer-treated Sand
Matthew Czapiga
353 - Modeling Planar Breaching of Biopolymer Treated Earthen Dams Caused by Overtopping
Matthew Czapiga