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J C, Chaitanya
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai
418 - The Rain-on-Grid Modeling Approach in Hydrological and Hydraulic Processes over a River Basin
Chaitanya J C
422 - Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Flow Velocity Distribution Profile and Bed Shear Stress over Alluvial Beds
Chaitanya J C
Jager, Henriette
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
207 - Shifted Flood Frequencies in the Mid-Atlantic US: Insights from Downscaled CMIP6 Hydroclimate Projections
Henriette Jager
Jain, Rajan
437 - Synthetic Water Distribution Network Models: Challenges and Opportunities
Rajan Jain
Jamal, Jani
University of South Carolina
407 - Enhancing Unsteady Flow Computations in Channel Networks using Sub-timing Technique
Jani Jamal
423 - Developing Surrogate Models for Efficient Levee Breach Flow Estimation
Jani Jamal
Jane, Robert
University of Central Florida
654 - A Copula-Based Tool for Coastal Compound Flood Risk Assessment
Robert Jane
Janga, Jagadeesh Kumar
University of Illinois Chicago
11 - Comparative Sustainability and Resiliency Evaluation of Conventional and Bioreactor Landfills
Jagadeesh Kumar Janga
18 - Removal of Nutrients from Stormwater Using Biochar and BOF Slag Filter Media in Bioswales
Jagadeesh Kumar Janga
Jantrania, Anish
29 - Identify Potential BMP Tools to Reduce Bacteria Loading Caused by On-site Sewage Facilities (OSSFs) in the Lower Neches River Watershed
Anish Jantrania
Jasthi, Bharat
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
617 - Electrochemical Degradation of Fluorinated Compounds using Thin Films
Bharat Jasthi
Jat, Prahlad
221 - Deriving Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves for Helen, Georgia
Prahlad Jat
Jazaei, Farhad
The University of Memphis
91 - Use of Physics-Infused Neural Networks for Solving Different Types of Environmental Transport Problems
Farhad Jazaei
Jeffers, Scott
Harnessing Open Data: Empowering Municipalities with Affordable Stormwater Modeling and Community Engagement through Interactive Maps and 3D Visualization
Scott Jeffers
Jemberie, Abebe
600 - Developing a Large-Scale Hydraulics Flood Model for Canada
Abebe Jemberie
Jenewein, Oswald
University of Texas at Arlington
373 - Urban Coastlines at Risk: Identifying Physical, Social, and Sociophysical Vulnerability Drivers in Texas’ Coastal Bend
Oswald Jenewein
Jeng-Bulloch, Kathlie
City of Huntsville, Texas
Debris, Sediment, and Stormwater System Maintenance
Kathlie Jeng-Bulloch
Nature-Based Solutions in Detail
Kathlie Jeng-Bulloch
Urban Drainage Standard Committee Meeting
Kathlie Jeng-Bulloch
Jenkins, Jennifer
25 - Monitoring the Hydrologic Performance and Stormwater Storage of Urban Prairies
Jennifer Jenkins
Jerez, Lesmes A. M.
104 - Designing a Comprehensive Monitoring Plan of the Long-term Performance of Various Types of Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Southeast Florida
Lesmes A. M. Jerez
110 - Hydraulic Effect on Entrainment and Transport Mechanisms of Particulate Phosphorus in Stormwater Treatment Areas Dominated by Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
Lesmes A. M. Jerez
Jha, Ushakar
Rye Development
138 - Risks and Uncertainties When Retrofitting Existing Low Head Dams with Hydroelectric Turbines
Ushakar Jha
Jiang, Liping
Montana Tech of the University of Montana
98 - Study of Ice Formation/Jam Events on the Missouri River Using HEC-RAS
Liping Jiang
Jimenez, Joel
City of LA
182 - The New Intermediate Pumping Station Odor Control BioTrickling Filter Project: Operations, Maintenance, and Performance Data at Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant in City of Los Angeles, California
Joel Jimenez
Ji, Yuting
Auburn University
85 - Long-term and Design Rainfall-Runoff Simulations of Infiltration Swales along Alabama Roads
Yuting Ji
Jock, Jessica
590 - Effect of Wastewater Treatment Plants on Microplastics in Mussels and their Surrounding Environment
Jessica Jock
Johnson, Cavalier
City of Milwaukee, WI
Keynote Presentation: “Milwaukee’s Commitment to Replace Lead Service Lines”
Cavalier Johnson
Johnson, Drew William
557 - Assessment of LID Performance through Integration of Permeable Pavements with Digital Twins.
Drew William Johnson
Johnson, Linda
154 - Application of Pre-processed Radar-Based Gridded Precipitation using Streamlined Workflow of HECHMS and HECRAS
Linda Johnson
Johnson, Marc
154 - Application of Pre-processed Radar-Based Gridded Precipitation using Streamlined Workflow of HECHMS and HECRAS
Marc Johnson
Johnson, Ryan
Alabama Water Institute
109 - Strategies for Evaluating the Performance of NHDPlus-based Continental-scale Hydrologic Models in Predicting Flood and Drought Events
Ryan Johnson
172 - A Comprehensive Study of Multi-Year Hydrological Droughts in the Great Salt Lake Basin
Ryan Johnson
183 - Coupling Machine Learning with the National Water Model to Account for the Impacts of Water Resources Infrastructure: Improving Streamflow Prediction Skill to Enhance Great Salt Lake Management.
Ryan Johnson
189 - Exploring Cost-effective Real-time Control Coverage to Leverage Resilience in Smart Stormwater Systems
Ryan Johnson
Johnstone, Chancellor
6 - Long-term Investment Modeling of Water Distribution Infrastructure
Chancellor Johnstone
Jonnalagadda, Arun
63 - Drinking Water in Oil and Gas Wells to Be Abandoned. - A Technical Guide for the Oil Industry to Supply Water to Resource-poor Communities
Arun Jonnalagadda
Jordan, Page
US Environmental Protection Agency
540 - Turbidity Control and Optimization of Rural Water Treatment and Distribution Systems in Puerto Rico
Page Jordan
Joshi, Geeta
Civil Engg. Dept., Faculty of Technology & Engineering, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
517 - Analyzing Drought Hazard Under Changing Climate for Semi-Arid Central Gujarat Region, India
Geeta Joshi
Juedemann, Samantha
Marquette University
224 - The Application of UV-LED as an Alternative to LP-UV for Virus Inactivation in Potable Water Reuse
Samantha Juedemann
Juen, Thomas
618 - An Assessment of Precipitation Trends at the St. Louis Lambert Airport and Columbia, Missouri Climatological Stations
Thomas Juen
620 - Case Studies of 1D and 2D Hydraulic Models of the Same River System Using HEC-RAS
Thomas Juen
Juliana, Robles
147 - Robust Booster Disinfection Scheduling Using Non-uniform Mixing Water Quality Models
Robles Juliana
Julien, Pierre
Civil and Environmental Engineering
526 - Changing Middle Rio Grande Channel Conditions Highway 550 to Montano Road Bridge
Pierre Julien