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K. C., Kushum
124 - Two-Stage Downscaling of CMIP6 Dataset Using RNN-LSTM for Analyzing Future Drought and Flood Extremities in the Gulf of Mexico Region
Kushum K. C.
Kabbes, Karen
Kabbes Engineering, Inc. (KEI)
Nature-Based Solutions in Detail
Karen Kabbes
Kacem, Mohamed
495 - Identifying and Quantifying Stream Erosion and Deposition using Aerial Imagery and Digital Elevation Model Technique
Mohamed Kacem
497 - Advanced Tools and Techniques for Setting Stormwater Utility Fee
Mohamed Kacem
Kafle, Aalok Sharma
Lamar University
123 - Advancing Climate Risk Analysis using Machine Learning and Statistical Assessments for Hydro-Climatic Extremes in Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana
Aalok Sharma Kafle
127 - Transforming Flood Frequency Analysis and Hydrological Design via the Open-Source FloodMetrics R-Package
Aalok Sharma Kafle
Kafle, Nischal
University of Memphis
463 - How Does Rain-gauge Network Density and Resolution Affect Hourly and Sub-hourly Rainfall Frequency Estimates? An Analysis Using High Spatio-temporal Resolution Rainfall Data
Nischal Kafle
558 - At-a-Station and Spatial Variability of Hershfield Rainfall Sampling Adjustment Factors: Implications for Engineering Practice
Nischal Kafle
Kaiser, Samiul
179 - Updating Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves for Short-duration Precipitations under Climate Change: The Case of Pensacola and Perdido Bays Watershed
Samiul Kaiser
297 - Harmful Algal Blooms in Bay-Estuary Systems Under Future Climate: The Case of Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Samiul Kaiser
Kalra, Ajay
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
435 - Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Change (LULC) in a Watershed with High Urbanization Potential Using the CA-Markov Model
Ajay Kalra
436 - Assessing Flood Risk Through GIS-based Weighted Overlay and 1D Flood Simulation in Critical Sub-catchment
Ajay Kalra
Kalyanapu, Alfred
Tennessee Technological University
Emerging and Innovative Technologies Committee (EITC)
Alfred Kalyanapu
Kamanmalek, Sara
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
199 - Prediction of E. coli Concentrations in Highly Urbanized Watersheds: An Analysis Using Diverse Environmental Stressors
Sara Kamanmalek
Kaminski, Andy
500 - Modeling Collection System Climate Change Response and Uncertainty Using a Global Climate Model (GCM) Ensemble
Andy Kaminski
501 - System-Scale Green Infrastructure Performance Evaluation and Prioritization Under Future Climate: GCM Data-informed Urban Hydrologic Modeling
Andy Kaminski
Kammereck, Andreas
WEST Consultants
332 - A Case Study for the SR544 Bridge Crossing of the Nooksack River in Whatcom County, WA USA - Using 2D Modeling to Inform Designs that Balance Resilience, Forward Compatibility, Hydrotechnical Risks with Climate Changing Flows in Infrastructure Engineering
Andreas Kammereck
Kandadai, Ananth
617 - Electrochemical Degradation of Fluorinated Compounds using Thin Films
Ananth Kandadai
Kandiah, Ramanitharan
Central State University
Cybersecurity and Water-infrastructure
Ramanitharan Kandiah
Groundwater Quality Committee Meeting
Ramanitharan Kandiah
619 - Estimating Ecohydrological Changes at the Vinton Furnace State Experimental Forest, Ohio
Ramanitharan Kandiah
Kandiah, Venu
601 - The City of Gothenburg’s Digital Twin – Helping Address Emerging Challenges Within its Sewerage System
Venu Kandiah
Kang, Dong hee
Morgan State University
95 - Implement AI on Image Processing for Stormwater Control Measures Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-Acquired Imagery
Dong hee Kang
96 - Removal of Lead (Pb) from Stormwater Systems with Poultry Litter Biochar
Dong hee Kang
262 - Remediation of Urban Stormwater using Best Management Practices and Low-Impact Development Green Infrastructures
Dong hee Kang
264 - Surface Water Quality Modeling in the Gwynns Falls Watershed, Powder Mills Run Subwatershed using Deep Learning Algorithm
Dong hee Kang
447 - Research on How the Poultry Litter Biochar Production Conditions Affect the Final Yield, and Properties of Biochar
Dong hee Kang
448 - Poultry Litter Biochar for Pb(II) adsorption
Dong hee Kang
Kang, Yujin
Department of Civil Engineering/Inha university
22 - Flood Risk Assessment Using Flood Risk Map and Grid Based Data
Yujin Kang
394 - Estimation of Delay Parameters Using C-C Method for Attractor Reconstruction of Hydrologic Time Series
Yujin Kang
Kao, Shih-Chieh
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
41 - Ensemble Flood Inundation Mapping under Changing Climate Conditions: A Case Study Driven by Downscaled CMIP6 Projections
Shih-Chieh Kao
207 - Shifted Flood Frequencies in the Mid-Atlantic US: Insights from Downscaled CMIP6 Hydroclimate Projections
Shih-Chieh Kao
Karami, Mohammadjavad
90 - Maximizing Floodplain Reconnection Benefits: A Case Study of the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan
Mohammadjavad Karami
Kargol, Abigail
University of Washington
102 - Microbial Community Structures in Anaerobic Digesters Reveal Potentially Differing Waste Conversion Pathways
Abigail Kargol
128 - Performance and Microbial Community Characteristics of Planted Infiltration Galleries for High-volume Secondary and Tertiary Wastewater Treatment
Abigail Kargol
Karrenberg, Cade
North Carolina State University
507 - Designing and Deploying Internet-of-things Enabled Water Diaries to Observe Personal End Uses
Cade Karrenberg
529 - An Agent-based Modelling Approach to Assess the Socio-economic and Social Equity Impacts of Dynamic Pricing in Residential Water Management
Cade Karrenberg
Karthikeyan Obulisamy, Parthiba
617 - Electrochemical Degradation of Fluorinated Compounds using Thin Films
Parthiba Karthikeyan Obulisamy
Kasaraneni, Varun
Gannon University
Advancing Renewable Energy Technologies Committee
Varun Kasaraneni
Kasprzyk, Joseph
University of Colorado Boulder
87 - The Relative Importance of Model Type Versus Input Features for Water Supply Forecasting in Snow-Dominated River Basins of the Southwest US
Joseph Kasprzyk
134 - Enhancing Many Objective Robust Decision Making in the Colorado River Basin through Robust Optimization and Comparative Analysis
Joseph Kasprzyk
595 - Using Self Organizing Maps to Facilitate Decision-maker Compromise Under Deep Uncertainty in the Colorado River Basin
Joseph Kasprzyk
Kavvas, M. Levent
University of California, Davis
Emerging Concepts and Methods in Modeling Hydrologic and Hydro-climatic Processes - I
M. Levent Kavvas
Emerging Concepts and Methods in Modeling Hydrologic and Hydro-climatic Processes - II
M. Levent Kavvas
Hydroclimatology of Droughts: Past, Present, Future
M. Levent Kavvas
Watershed Council
M. Levent Kavvas
19 - Generalizations of Navier-Stokes-Euler Governing Equations of Fluid Flow to Fractional Time and Multi-fractional Space
M. Levent Kavvas
48 - Synoptic Scale Controls on Warm Season Precipitation Deficit in the US Northern Rockies: A Driver of Recent Wildfire Activities
M. Levent Kavvas
65 - Historical Reconstruction of Precipitation and Temperature Fields over British Columbia
M. Levent Kavvas
471 - Configuration and Validation of the WRF Model for the Columbia River Basin
M. Levent Kavvas
473 - Depth-Area Analysis of Precipitation Outputs from the Numerical Atmospheric Model
M. Levent Kavvas
475 - Maximum Flooding in the American River Watershed: Can Atmospheric Rivers be Optimized to Intensify Precipitation and Flooding
M. Levent Kavvas
556 - WEHY Modeling and Calibration of Sacramento River Basin’s Sub-watersheds for their Use in a Hydrological Forecasting System
M. Levent Kavvas
597 - Mountainous Watershed Modeling with WEHY-HCM: A Case Study from Trinity Watershed in California
M. Levent Kavvas
Kazemian, Alan
304 - Towards a Cost-efficient Remote Bridge Health and Scour Monitoring System
Alan Kazemian
Kazilis, John
Regional Municipality of York
469 - Framework for Connecting Simplified Methods of Environmental Co-benefits Estimation with Specified Design Criteria and Future Plans for Validation and Depository of Empirical Results
John Kazilis
Kazma, Mohamad
55 - On Placement of Water Quality Sensors for Nonlinear Multi-Species Models in Drinking Networks
Mohamad Kazma
81 - Smarter Pump Scheduling Can Improve Water Quality Dynamics in Distribution Networks
Mohamad Kazma
84 - Water Quality Controllability Metrics, Limitations, and Hydraulic Dependencies
Mohamad Kazma
Kebede, Mahlet
216 - A Modified Experimental Approach for Estimating Unsaturated Soil Hydraulic Properties using the Evaporation Method
Mahlet Kebede
Keck, Jonathan
613 - A Greedy Search Algorithm for Closed Valve Analysis in Drinking Water Networks for Real-time Model Development
Jonathan Keck
Kedir, Ebissa G.
Wayne State University
53 - Groundwater Potential Assessment and Sustainable Management Approaches and Strategies in Ethiopia, Africa
Ebissa G. Kedir
Kelleher, Liam
60 - Diagnosing Controls of Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Water Pollution: Leveraging Smart Sensor Networks and Real-Time Data for Process Understanding (SMARTWATER)
Liam Kelleher
Kelleher, Michael
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
41 - Ensemble Flood Inundation Mapping under Changing Climate Conditions: A Case Study Driven by Downscaled CMIP6 Projections
Michael Kelleher
Kelly, Leila
579 - Increasing Biocrude Yield of Food Waste HTL via Combined Feedstocks
Leila Kelly
Kerenyi, Kornel
376 - Improved Modeling of Flow Resistance Induced by Hydraulic Structures in 2D Models
Kornel Kerenyi
377 - Improved Modeling of Flow Resistance Induced by Engineering Log Jams in 2D Models
Kornel Kerenyi
Kerkez, Branko
University of Michigan
459 - Provably Safe Dual-mode Controller for a Stormwater Software Model Using a Linear, Time-invariant System Approximation
Branko Kerkez
483 - Feedback Control of Gravity Flow Systems Using Automatically Generated System Approximations
Branko Kerkez
Kesavan, Pandiyan
495 - Identifying and Quantifying Stream Erosion and Deposition using Aerial Imagery and Digital Elevation Model Technique
Pandiyan Kesavan
497 - Advanced Tools and Techniques for Setting Stormwater Utility Fee
Pandiyan Kesavan
Khamis, Kieran
60 - Diagnosing Controls of Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Water Pollution: Leveraging Smart Sensor Networks and Real-Time Data for Process Understanding (SMARTWATER)
Kieran Khamis
Khandaker, Nabila
120 - Mapping Lake Arlington Water Quality Parameters (Chlorophyll-a, Phycocyanin, and Turbidity) at a Regional Scale Integrating Sentinel-2 (S2) Observations with ArcGIS Pro
Nabila Khandaker
Khan, Farhan Mohammad
380 - Spatial Analysis of Water Quality Trends in Wastewater Treatment Using GIS and Machine Learning
Farhan Mohammad Khan
Khan, Hassaan Furqan
Tufts University
113 - Impact of Water and Sanitation Access on Quality-of-life Outcomes in Informal Settlements
Hassaan Furqan Khan
153 - Identifying Teleconnections for the Precipitation of Karachi, Pakistan
Hassaan Furqan Khan
Khan, Safran
420 - Advancing Camera-Based Monitoring for Operational Water Resource Applications
Safran Khan
Khashei, Melica
Concordia University
71 - Framework for Predicting Water Main Breaks in the Face of Climate Change
Melica Khashei
Khazaei, Bahram
Coast Survey Development Lab, National Ocean Service, NOAA
494 - Impacts of Climate Change on Hydrodynamics and Thermal Structure of Green Bay, Lake Michigan
Bahram Khazaei
Khazaei, Javad
Lehigh University
83 - Securing Smart Water Distribution Systems Against Deceptive Data Injections: A Chance-Constrained Cyberattack Localization Approach
Javad Khazaei
93 - Economic Model Predictive Control of Water Distribution Systems with Accelerated Optimization Algorithm
Javad Khazaei
94 - Data Driven System Identification of Water Distribution Systems via Kernel-Based Interpolation
Javad Khazaei
428 - A Holistic Cybersercurity Framework Against False Data Injection Attacks in Smart Water Distribution Systems Employing Auto-Encoders
Javad Khazaei
Khedun, C. Prakash
Clemson University
354 - Extent to Which Climate Teleconnection Patterns Modulate Streamflow in South Carolina
C. Prakash Khedun
355 - Hydrological Model Inter-comparison for Simulating Surface Water Availability in the Southeastern United States
C. Prakash Khedun
Khorram, Mahdis
430 - Assimilating Remote Sensed Data in a Physically Based Models to Determine Salinity in the Vadose Zone of a Pecan Orchard
Mahdis Khorram
Kibler, Kelly
University of Central Florida
Kelly Kibler
Floodplain & Levee Restoration
Kelly Kibler
River Restoration
Kelly Kibler
River Restoration Committee Meeting
Kelly Kibler
226 - Sediment Transport and Retention in Complex Biological Canopies: Applications to the Design of Natural Infrastructure
Kelly Kibler
316 - Examining the Influence of Intertidal Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Reefs on Local Hydrodynamics in Shallow Water
Kelly Kibler
Kilgore, Roger
Kilgore Consulting and Management
75 - Evolving Paradigm of Best Practices for Aquatic Organism Passage Through Culverts
Roger Kilgore
76 - New Inland Flooding Design Standards and Procedures for Resilience in the Face of Climate Change
Roger Kilgore
Kilic, Ayse
Margaret S. Petersen Award
Ayse Kilic
Royce J. Tipton Award and Lecture
Ayse Kilic
Kim, Gi Joo
478 - Conflict Resolution using Shared Vision Model at South Korea within the Framework of Government Council
Gi Joo Kim
Kim, Hung Soo
Depart of Civil Engineering/Inha university
22 - Flood Risk Assessment Using Flood Risk Map and Grid Based Data
Hung Soo Kim
394 - Estimation of Delay Parameters Using C-C Method for Attractor Reconstruction of Hydrologic Time Series
Hung Soo Kim
Kim, Jong-Yeop
Florida Gulf Coast University
Smart Solutions: Harnessing AI for Water Management
Jong-Yeop Kim
135 - Building Urban Resilience with Nature-based Solutions: A Strategic Approach
Jong-Yeop Kim
Kim, Kyunghun
Department of Civil Engineering/Inha university
22 - Flood Risk Assessment Using Flood Risk Map and Grid Based Data
Kyunghun Kim
394 - Estimation of Delay Parameters Using C-C Method for Attractor Reconstruction of Hydrologic Time Series
Kyunghun Kim
Kim, Lee-Hyung
Kongju National University
148 - Extreme Weather in South Korean Urban Areas: An Analysis of Environmental Data and Filter Media Resilience
Lee-Hyung Kim
Kim, Young-Oh
Seoul National University
478 - Conflict Resolution using Shared Vision Model at South Korea within the Framework of Government Council
Young-Oh Kim
479 - Comparison of Drought Response Capabilities using Two Different Drought Inflow Generation Methods
Young-Oh Kim
480 - Proposal of a New Flood Season in the Korea under Changing Climate
Young-Oh Kim
Kirkey, William
247 - A Case Study of How the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) Suite of Tools Can Be Deployed to Perform Automated Forecasting
William Kirkey
Kirtman, Ben
401 - Exploring Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling for Microclimatic Wind and Urban Thermal Environment: A Case Study of the Miami Design District in Miami, Florida
Ben Kirtman
Kjellerup, Birthe
University of Maryland
314 - Influence of Historic and Current Land Use Practices on PCB Contamination of Soils and Stormwater Sediments in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Birthe Kjellerup
Klise, Katherine
Sandia National Laboratories
Graduate Student Committee Panel Discussion
Katherine Klise
261 - Landslide Pipe Criticality Analysis Linking Hazard and Social Vulnerability Data
Katherine Klise
268 - Adding Multispecies Water Quality Reactions to Resilience Modeling Tools
Katherine Klise
291 - A Data Driven Approach for Resilience Analysis of Water Distribution Networks
Katherine Klise
437 - Synthetic Water Distribution Network Models: Challenges and Opportunities
Katherine Klise
578 - From Data to Resilience: How Hybrid Modelling Informs Decision-Making
Katherine Klise
Knatz, Carrie
CDM Smith
101 - Using CFD to Evaluate Mixing and Flow Distribution to Optimize Biological Nutrient Removal and Hydrocyclone Performance
Carrie Knatz
Knight, Joel
499 - Optimizing Resiliency: A Framework for Resilient Water Systems
Joel Knight
Koh, Rachel
591 - Evaluating Streamflow Forecasts in Hydro-Dominated Power Systems-When and Why They Matter
Rachel Koh
Köksal, Gülser
649 - Enhancing watershed management through stakeholder analysis (SA) and social network analysis (SNA)
Gülser Köksal
Komal, FNU
National Institute of Technology
487 - 1D Hydrodynamic Modeling performance evaluation of MIKE Hydro and HEC-RAS
FNU Komal
Konar, Megan
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
255 - Spatially Detailed Irrigation Footprints of Agricultural Production and Supply Chains within the United States
Megan Konar
257 - Irrigation by Produce and Feed Crop in the Continental United States from 2008 to 2020
Megan Konar
Koob Marking, Tonja
Historic 1888 Photo Re-Creation
Tonja Koob Marking
History & Heritage Committee Meeting
Tonja Koob Marking
How Water Resources Engineers Serve as Expert Witnesses presented by AAWRE
Tonja Koob Marking
Kopecky, Rose
166 - City of Duluth Stormwater Management Plan
Rose Kopecky
Kotey, Edwin
350 - Laboratory Investigation on the Breaching of Biopolymer-Treated Dams and Embankments
Edwin Kotey
351 - Characterizing Optimum Water Content of Biopolymer-treated Sand
Edwin Kotey
353 - Modeling Planar Breaching of Biopolymer Treated Earthen Dams Caused by Overtopping
Edwin Kotey
Kozak, Patrick
525 - Assessing Temporal Landcover-Changes Along Two Intermittent Creeks in Northwest South Dakota
Patrick Kozak
Kramer, Casey
75 - Evolving Paradigm of Best Practices for Aquatic Organism Passage Through Culverts
Casey Kramer
Krause, Stefan
60 - Diagnosing Controls of Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Water Pollution: Leveraging Smart Sensor Networks and Real-Time Data for Process Understanding (SMARTWATER)
Stefan Krause
Kraus, Sam
Virginia Tech
237 - Incipient Motion Principles Applied to Stream Restoration Processes Regarding the Keystone Species Bluehead Chubs
Sam Kraus
Kravchenko, Maryna
64 - Evaluating Rain-Garden Bands: Filtration Properties and Implications for Urban Water Management
Maryna Kravchenko
Kremer, Peleg
502 - Defining the US Urban Flood Challenge
Peleg Kremer
Kroeger, Kevin
168 - Hydrodynamic and Salinity Response to Tidal Restoration in the Herring River Estuary, MA Considering Present and Future Sea Levels
Kevin Kroeger
Krolak, Joe
75 - Evolving Paradigm of Best Practices for Aquatic Organism Passage Through Culverts
Joe Krolak
Kshirsagar, Sudhir
Global Quality Corp
467 - A Novel Sewer Condition Assessment Approach that Leverages Advanced Machine Learning (ML) Models
Sudhir Kshirsagar
581 - Understanding the Impact of Pressure-driven Modelling in Computing Hydraulic Resilience of Water Distribution Network using Water Network Tool for Resilience (WNTR)
Sudhir Kshirsagar
Kuiry, Soumendra Nath
Indian Institute of Technology Madras (Tamil Nadu, India)
66 - Unravelling the Complexities of Urban Flooding Amidst Drainage Surcharge: Insights from Experimental Research
Soumendra Nath Kuiry
150 - Calculation of Water Age Using Electrical Simulators
Soumendra Nath Kuiry
163 - Urban Flooding Patterns: An Experimental Investigation of Flow Dynamics and Implications
Soumendra Nath Kuiry
418 - The Rain-on-Grid Modeling Approach in Hydrological and Hydraulic Processes over a River Basin
Soumendra Nath Kuiry
Kulkarni, Tara
Norwich University
Models in Environmental Health Research
Tara Kulkarni
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Environmental Health and Water Quality
Tara Kulkarni
Kumar, Akshay
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, India
380 - Spatial Analysis of Water Quality Trends in Wastewater Treatment Using GIS and Machine Learning
Akshay Kumar
Kumari, Anjali
152 - Long-term Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Water Quality Parameters in Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Anjali Kumari
267 - Land Cover Change Impacts on Hydrology and Water Quality of the Southeast United States
Anjali Kumari
Kumar, Krishna
487 - 1D Hydrodynamic Modeling performance evaluation of MIKE Hydro and HEC-RAS
Krishna Kumar
Kumar, Mukesh
86 - An Empirical Framework for Calculating Recharge within the Contiguous United States
Mukesh Kumar
Kumar, Sandeep
National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra
363 - Assessment of the Experimental Rain Garden Infiltration Rate Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Sandeep Kumar
Kumar, Saurav
Arizona State University
Remote Sensing for Watershed Modeling and Management
Saurav Kumar
Kumar, Saurav
372 - Exploring the Nexus between LCLUC, Socio-Economic Factors, and Water for a Vulnerable Arid US-Mexico Transboundary Region
Saurav Kumar
409 - Total Maximum Daily Load Analysis and Modeling Advances: Connecting Climate Resilience, Socio-Environmental Systems, and Holistic Watershed Management
Saurav Kumar
430 - Assimilating Remote Sensed Data in a Physically Based Models to Determine Salinity in the Vadose Zone of a Pecan Orchard
Saurav Kumar
Kuncken, Alec
Villanova University
252 - Effects of Sampling Interval on Understanding Storm Characteristics
Alec Kuncken
Kunza, Lisa
525 - Assessing Temporal Landcover-Changes Along Two Intermittent Creeks in Northwest South Dakota
Lisa Kunza
532 - Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in the Cheyenne River
Lisa Kunza
617 - Electrochemical Degradation of Fluorinated Compounds using Thin Films
Lisa Kunza
Kwak, Nayeon
Villanova University
230 - Statistical Analysis on the Footprint of Green Stormwater Infrastructure on Urban Hydrographs
Nayeon Kwak