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Gaballah, Mohamed
52 - Converting Borrow Pits to Constructed Wetlands to Improve Water Quality in the Middle Missouri River Basin
Mohamed Gaballah
Gabriel, Steven
641 - Reducing Pollution in River Systems using a Stochastic, Game-Theoretic Modeling Approach
Steven Gabriel
Gacek, Heather
Gwinnett County, GA, Dept. of Water Resources
Coffee and Conversation with the Women-Water Nexus
Heather Gacek
EWRI 101
Heather Gacek
Nature-Based Solutions in Detail
Heather Gacek
Gadhamshetty, Venkataramana
South Dakota School of Mines
Water Pollution Engineering Committee Meeting
Venkataramana Gadhamshetty
617 - Electrochemical Degradation of Fluorinated Compounds using Thin Films
Venkataramana Gadhamshetty
Gaebler, Phil
City of Madison
City of Madison Stormwater Ordinance Changes to Manage Risk from Extreme Events
Phil Gaebler
Galelli, Stefano
Cornell University
591 - Evaluating Streamflow Forecasts in Hydro-Dominated Power Systems-When and Why They Matter
Stefano Galelli
Gallagher, Noah
276 - Changes in Upper Midwestern Extreme Rainfall Depth Estimates from TP40 to Today: Is Climate Change to Blame?
Noah Gallagher
Gandolfi, Claudio
572 - Multi-sector Multi-purpose Adaptation of Alpine water Systems in a Changing World
Claudio Gandolfi
Gangrade, Sudershan
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
41 - Ensemble Flood Inundation Mapping under Changing Climate Conditions: A Case Study Driven by Downscaled CMIP6 Projections
Sudershan Gangrade
207 - Shifted Flood Frequencies in the Mid-Atlantic US: Insights from Downscaled CMIP6 Hydroclimate Projections
Sudershan Gangrade
Gangwani, Laxmi
68 - Improvement of Computational Efficiency of Rao-II for Water Distribution Network Design by Infusing Search Space Reduction and Self-Adaptive Penalty
Laxmi Gangwani
Gao, Haiwen
143 - Revealing Internal Details of Anaerobic Digester Mixing with CFD
Haiwen Gao
Gao, Huilin
Texas A&M University College Station
Panel Discussion: State-of-the-art of Uncertainty Analysis in Hydroclimate Modeling
Huilin Gao
Gao, Nuo
604 - Using conceptual hydrological models for runoff simulation and attribution analysis in the source area of the Yellow River (China)
Nuo Gao
Garcia Diaz, Marco Antonio
University of Georgia/Institute of Resilient Infrastructure System
209 - Using Nature-based Solutions To Reduce Loads On Coastal Structures Due To Wave Attenuation
Marco Antonio Garcia Diaz
Garcia, Andrea
21 - Hydraulic Design of an Environmental Water Supply System for Wetland Hydration: A Case Study in the Central Florida Everglades
Andrea Garcia
Garcia, Marcelo
258 - Optimization of LID in a Chicago Catchment using EPA- SWMM
Marcelo Garcia
Garwood, Jason
152 - Long-term Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Water Quality Parameters in Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Jason Garwood
297 - Harmful Algal Blooms in Bay-Estuary Systems Under Future Climate: The Case of Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Jason Garwood
Gautam, Sudip
Oregon State University
126 - Using the Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimization Framework for Adaptation Planning and Resilience in the Umatilla River Basin
Sudip Gautam
Geldert-Murphey, Marsia
Regional Director, Lochmueller Group
Keynote Presentation: "Engineering the Future"
Marsia Geldert-Murphey
Geller, Vitor Gustavo
320 - Rainfall Spatiotemporal Variability Effects on Adverse Flow Conditions in Urban Stormwater Systems: A Case Study of the Richmond Tunnel in San Francisco, California
Vitor Gustavo Geller
383 - Proxy Methods for Quantifying Geyser Potential in Stormwater Networks
Vitor Gustavo Geller
Geng, Xiaolong
Groundwater Management and Modeling
Xiaolong Geng
382 - Modeling Effects of Evaporation on Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Process
Xiaolong Geng
George-Kayode, Blessing
347 - A Simplistic Approach for Evaluating Urban Flood Risk Through the Integration of HEC-RAS 2D and GIS
Blessing George-Kayode
Geronimo, Franz Kevin
Kongju National University
148 - Extreme Weather in South Korean Urban Areas: An Analysis of Environmental Data and Filter Media Resilience
Franz Kevin Geronimo
Ge, Shemin
162 - Groundwater Flow and Heat Transport Simulations to Evaluate the Potential Impact of Geothermal Energy Production on Hot Springs
Shemin Ge
Ghanatian, Reza
441 - An Improved Bayesian Model for Dam Break Risk Assessment
Reza Ghanatian
Ghimire, Amrit
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
303 - Evaluating the Resilience of Hybrid Centralized and Decentralized Water Supply Systems
Amrit Ghimire
322 - Predicting Future Water Demand Using Machine Learning Models with Water, Energy, Climate, and Social Features
Amrit Ghimire
435 - Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Change (LULC) in a Watershed with High Urbanization Potential Using the CA-Markov Model
Amrit Ghimire
Ghimire, Ganesh
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
41 - Ensemble Flood Inundation Mapping under Changing Climate Conditions: A Case Study Driven by Downscaled CMIP6 Projections
Ganesh Ghimire
207 - Shifted Flood Frequencies in the Mid-Atlantic US: Insights from Downscaled CMIP6 Hydroclimate Projections
Ganesh Ghimire
298 - Declining Reservoir Storage Capacity in the US – What can Existing Data Tell Us?
Ganesh Ghimire
Gibson, Stanford
US Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center
Hans Albert Einstein Award and Lecture
Stanford Gibson
Panel Discussion on Current Status, Challenges, and Opportunities of 2D Modeling
Stanford Gibson
Gierke, John
Michigan Technological University
588 - Adapting the Water Evaluation and Planning Model for Analyzing Flash Flooding Impacts in Rural El Salvador
John Gierke
Giri, Ghanshyam
Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence
628 - Estimation of Leaf Area Index Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data for Wheat Crop
Ghanshyam Giri
Giuliani, Matteo
Politecnico di Milano
Water Resources Modeling, Management, and Policy - II
Matteo Giuliani
405 - Mastering Multi-scale Ensemble Forecasts Using Reinforcement Learning for Advancing Forecast Informed Reservoir Operation
Matteo Giuliani
572 - Multi-sector Multi-purpose Adaptation of Alpine water Systems in a Changing World
Matteo Giuliani
Glass, Joshua
University of Notre Dame
108 - Water Consumption Quantification in Life Cycle Assessments: A Temporal-Specific Approach
Joshua Glass
Glazer, Yael
The University of Texas at Austin
596 - Circularity: Understanding the Water and Emissions Tradeoffs of 3D Printing with Waste Plastics
Yael Glazer
599 - The Potential Water Benefits of a Future Texas Electricity Mix
Yael Glazer
Gnaedinger, Karl
25 - Monitoring the Hydrologic Performance and Stormwater Storage of Urban Prairies
Karl Gnaedinger
Goel, Arun
NIT, Kurukshetra
362 - Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Potential Health Risks of Nitrate Pollution
Arun Goel
Goharian, Erfan
University of South Carolina
407 - Enhancing Unsteady Flow Computations in Channel Networks using Sub-timing Technique
Erfan Goharian
420 - Advancing Camera-Based Monitoring for Operational Water Resource Applications
Erfan Goharian
423 - Developing Surrogate Models for Efficient Levee Breach Flow Estimation
Erfan Goharian
Goloujeh, Mehdi Hatami
420 - Advancing Camera-Based Monitoring for Operational Water Resource Applications
Mehdi Hatami Goloujeh
Golub, Emma
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
360 - Understanding the Impacts of Policy and Stakeholder Behavior on Surface Water Quality Through a Coupled ABM + SWAT Model
Emma Golub
Gombert, Carolyn
607 - Isleta Diversion Dam Fishway Configuration and Orientation 2D Hydraulic Modeling
Carolyn Gombert
Gong, Zheng
472 - Large-scale Coherent Structures in Rough-bed Open-channel Flows: Direct Numerical Simulation and Implications
Zheng Gong
Gonwa, William
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Open Discussion | Closing Remarks
William Gonwa
González, Laura
Universidad de los Andes
341 - Black-box Modeling of Disinfectants and Disinfectant By-products in Water Distribution Systems
Laura González
344 - Residual Chlorine and Trihalometanes Analysis in Optimal Desings for Minimum Cost Potable Water Distribution Systems
Laura González
359 - Analysis of the Chlorine Decay and Trihalomethanes Growth Sensibility to Different Body and Wall Coefficients and Decay Models in Optimal Minimum Cost Water Distribution Networks
Laura González
González, María
344 - Residual Chlorine and Trihalometanes Analysis in Optimal Desings for Minimum Cost Potable Water Distribution Systems
María González
Good, Kelly
Villanova University
230 - Statistical Analysis on the Footprint of Green Stormwater Infrastructure on Urban Hydrographs
Kelly Good
Goodwin, R. Andrew
U.S. Army Engineer R&D Center, Environmental Laboratory
192 - Predicting Near-future Fish Passage of Infrastructure across Tidal and Dam/Reservoir Settings
R. Andrew Goodwin
Gordon, Kris
421 - Comparing Stream Network from High-Resolution 3DEP DEM with NHDPlus HR Flowline: A Case Study in a West Tennessee HUC12 Subwatershed
Kris Gordon
Gouda, Andrew
213 - Advanced 2-D Scour Analysis of the Piers of the New Goethals Bridge
Andrew Gouda
Gough, Heidi
University of Washington
Coffee and Conversation with the Women-Water Nexus
Heidi Gough
102 - Microbial Community Structures in Anaerobic Digesters Reveal Potentially Differing Waste Conversion Pathways
Heidi Gough
128 - Performance and Microbial Community Characteristics of Planted Infiltration Galleries for High-volume Secondary and Tertiary Wastewater Treatment
Heidi Gough
Govindaraju, Rao
Impacts of a Changing Climate on Hydrologic Design
Rao Govindaraju
114 - Interaction Network of Land-use on Climatic Extremes through Attention Mechanism
Rao Govindaraju
121 - Assessing Data Gaps on Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Prediction Models using Similarity Analysis Approach
Rao Govindaraju
403 - Evaluating a Conceptual Hydrological Model Using Machine Learning Based Limits-of-Acceptability and Hydrological Signatures
Rao Govindaraju
Graham, Wendy
534 - Downscaling and Bias-correction of Gridded Precipitation Output from CMIP6 Models for the Florida Peninsula
Wendy Graham
Granados-Duran, Dennis
University of Georgia
50 - Hydraulic Modeling on Impoundment Sizing for Flood Mitigation in Riverine Systems and Ecological Implications: A Study Case on Big Muddy River.
Dennis Granados-Duran
Granato, Greg
368 - A Decision-support Tool to Assess Highway Runoff Impacts in North Carolina
Greg Granato
Graulau-Sandiago, Jaime
208 - Propagation of Waves Along South Florida Canals
Jaime Graulau-Sandiago
Greene, David
575 - Changing Energy Requirements to Meet Future Water Demand
David Greene
Gregory, Michael
191 - Clarifying the Clarity of Dirty Stormwater
Michael Gregory
Grubert, Emily
University of Notre Dame
107 - Deep Residential Building Efficiency as a Resilience Strategy
Emily Grubert
108 - Water Consumption Quantification in Life Cycle Assessments: A Temporal-Specific Approach
Emily Grubert
Gude, Gnaneswar Veera
Unlocking Insights: Field-Scale Studies in Water Infrastructure Management
Gnaneswar Veera Gude
Gude, Veera Gnaneswar
333 - Effects of Recovered Wastewater Nutrients and Sorbents on Corn Growth – Experimental Studies
Veera Gnaneswar Gude
336 - Sustainable Materials for Nutrient Reuse and Drought Stress Management in Agricultural Fields
Veera Gnaneswar Gude
Guha, Hillol
Bechtel Corporation
653 - Evaluating Risk to Infrastructures as a Result of Groundwater Extraction
Hillol Guha
Guimarães, Marcos
63 - Drinking Water in Oil and Gas Wells to Be Abandoned. - A Technical Guide for the Oil Industry to Supply Water to Resource-poor Communities
Marcos Guimarães
Gulliver, John
University of Minnesota
The Threat of Climate Change to Urban Stormwater Infrastructure
John Gulliver
27 - Bioretention Lessons Learned
John Gulliver
28 - Five Things We’ve Learned about Road Salt Impacts and Alternatives
John Gulliver
276 - Changes in Upper Midwestern Extreme Rainfall Depth Estimates from TP40 to Today: Is Climate Change to Blame?
John Gulliver
Guo, Qizhong (George)
Rutgers University
242 - Accumulation of Woody Debris at Urban and Suburban Stream Crossings: Consequences for Flash Flood Risks
Qizhong (George) Guo
256 - Approaches for Fostering Resilience, Sustainability, and Equity in the Mississippi River Basin
Qizhong (George) Guo
Gupta, Abhinav
402 - Riverine Suspended Sediment Concentration Estimation by Assimilating Remotely Sensed Data with Soil Erosion Model Simulations
Abhinav Gupta
403 - Evaluating a Conceptual Hydrological Model Using Machine Learning Based Limits-of-Acceptability and Hydrological Signatures
Abhinav Gupta
Gupta, Rajesh
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur
68 - Improvement of Computational Efficiency of Rao-II for Water Distribution Network Design by Infusing Search Space Reduction and Self-Adaptive Penalty
Rajesh Gupta
69 - A Single-Phase Model Incorporating the Variance of Pipe Flow as Reliability Surrogate in Optimal Design of Water Distribution Networks
Rajesh Gupta
145 - Pressure Dependent Analysis of Water Distribution Networks Considering Different NHFRs at Different Nodes
Rajesh Gupta
Gupta, Rajiv
Birla Institute of Technology and Science
380 - Spatial Analysis of Water Quality Trends in Wastewater Treatment Using GIS and Machine Learning
Rajiv Gupta
Gupta, Rashi
143 - Revealing Internal Details of Anaerobic Digester Mixing with CFD
Rashi Gupta
Gupta, Ritu
435 - Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Change (LULC) in a Watershed with High Urbanization Potential Using the CA-Markov Model
Ritu Gupta
436 - Assessing Flood Risk Through GIS-based Weighted Overlay and 1D Flood Simulation in Critical Sub-catchment
Ritu Gupta
Gurley, Laura
U.S. Geological Survey
129 - Using Repeat Lidar to Identify Streambank Erosion Hotspots in Raleigh, North Carolina
Laura Gurley
Gurneau, Jordan
25 - Monitoring the Hydrologic Performance and Stormwater Storage of Urban Prairies
Jordan Gurneau
Gutenson, Joseph
247 - A Case Study of How the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) Suite of Tools Can Be Deployed to Perform Automated Forecasting
Joseph Gutenson
Guthro, Nicholas
University of Colorado
553 - Quantifying Outdoor Urban Water Usage Trends within the Colorado River Basin
Nicholas Guthro