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Wadzuk, Bridget
Villanova University
111 - Quantifying Terrestrial Ecosystem Function to Improve Bioretention Design
Bridget Wadzuk
252 - Effects of Sampling Interval on Understanding Storm Characteristics
Bridget Wadzuk
502 - Defining the US Urban Flood Challenge
Bridget Wadzuk
627 - Enhanced Biochar and Activated Carbon-Amended Biofilters for PFAS Removal in Real-World Stormwater Scenarios
Bridget Wadzuk
Wagle, Shrinkhal
88 - A Machine Learning Model for Predicting Groundwater Recharge using Groundwater Level Monitoring Data
Shrinkhal Wagle
91 - Use of Physics-Infused Neural Networks for Solving Different Types of Environmental Transport Problems
Shrinkhal Wagle
Wagner, Dan
16 - Updated PeakFQ Software from USGS
Dan Wagner
Wahl, Thomas
University of Central Florida
654 - A Copula-Based Tool for Coastal Compound Flood Risk Assessment
Thomas Wahl
Waickowski, Sarah
Clemson University
Climate Change & Stormwater Systems
Sarah Waickowski
Ecosystem Services and Co-Benefit Evaluation
Sarah Waickowski
Sarah Waickowski
Rainfall and Climate Change / Cold Climate Stormwater Management: Effects of Deicing
Sarah Waickowski
375 - Evaluating the Water Quality and Hydrologic Performance of Bio-swales in North Carolina
Sarah Waickowski
Walgrave, Jeremy
166 - City of Duluth Stormwater Management Plan
Jeremy Walgrave
Wallen, Christopher
Dynamic Solutions, LLC
287 - Investigation of Compound Flooding on the Lower Mississippi River
Christopher Wallen
Walski, Thomas
530 - Minor Losses Due to Obstructions in Gravity Sewers
Thomas Walski
Wang, Chenfeng
474 - Benefits of Coupled Revegetation and Check-dams on Controlling Sediment Yield During Extreme Rainstorm Event in the Loess Plateau
Chenfeng Wang
Wang, Fei
646 - Sustainable Employment of MICP for Engineering Applications - Current Trends and Future Perspectives
Fei Wang
Wang, Hui
Tampa Bay Water
534 - Downscaling and Bias-correction of Gridded Precipitation Output from CMIP6 Models for the Florida Peninsula
Hui Wang
Wang, Ruo-Qian
Rutgers University
Coastal and Estuary Hydraulics - II
Ruo-Qian Wang
133 - Environmental Co-design: Reconfigurable Hydrokinetic Turbine Arrays for Sustainable Energy in the Lower Mississippi Region
Ruo-Qian Wang
164 - Towards Democratized Flood Risk Management: An Advanced AI Assistant Enabled by GPT-4 for Enhanced Interpretability and Public Engagement
Ruo-Qian Wang
Wang, Won-joon
Center for Hydrology and Ecology/Inha university
22 - Flood Risk Assessment Using Flood Risk Map and Grid Based Data
Won-joon Wang
Wang, Yuan-Heng
41 - Ensemble Flood Inundation Mapping under Changing Climate Conditions: A Case Study Driven by Downscaled CMIP6 Projections
Yuan-Heng Wang
Wang, Zhaorui
250 - Evaluation of Natural, Existing, and Proposed Conditions of a Railway Arch Bridge over Limestone Creek in Jefferson County, Illinois
Zhaorui Wang
253 - Unlocking the Power of 2D Watershed Modeling with Rain-on-Mesh in HEC RAS: Embrace the Sooner Solution
Zhaorui Wang
Ward, Meghan
412 - Lab-scale Design for Pond-In-Pond: An Alternative Wastewater Treatment System for Reuse
Meghan Ward
Warner, Michael
Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
471 - Configuration and Validation of the WRF Model for the Columbia River Basin
Michael Warner
473 - Depth-Area Analysis of Precipitation Outputs from the Numerical Atmospheric Model
Michael Warner
Warn, Gordon
178 - Prediction of climate change-induced alterations in streamflow and bridge scour and exploration of mitigation strategies: an application in a central Pennsylvania watershed
Gordon Warn
Wasankar, Nimisha
University of Alabama
56 - Utilizing Public-Domain Models and Datasets for Resolving Interstate Groundwater Disputes: A Mississippi v. Tennessee Case Study
Nimisha Wasankar
Wasti, Asphota
263 - Climate Risk-Informed Floodplain Mapping: Developing Modeling and Communication Approaches
Asphota Wasti
Waterman, David
532 - Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in the Cheyenne River
David Waterman
Watkins, David
Michigan Technological University
G.V. Loganathan Memorial Track on Reservoir Systems Operation
David Watkins
366 - Urban Rainfall Flood Risk Equity in Southeast Michigan
David Watkins
629 - Flood Discharge Estimation Methods for Ungauged Basins in Michigan
David Watkins
Weaver, J. Curtis
368 - A Decision-support Tool to Assess Highway Runoff Impacts in North Carolina
J. Curtis Weaver
Webber, Michael
The University of Texas at Austin
596 - Circularity: Understanding the Water and Emissions Tradeoffs of 3D Printing with Waste Plastics
Michael Webber
599 - The Potential Water Benefits of a Future Texas Electricity Mix
Michael Webber
Weber, Larry
288 - Two-dimensional Mobile Bed Modeling of Sediment Flushing Operations at a Diversion Dam
Larry Weber
Webster-Esho, Eniola
The University of Alabama
91 - Use of Physics-Infused Neural Networks for Solving Different Types of Environmental Transport Problems
Eniola Webster-Esho
Webster, Veronica
Dept of Civil & Environ Engr
629 - Flood Discharge Estimation Methods for Ungauged Basins in Michigan
Veronica Webster
Weisbrod, Noam
36 - Modeling Hydraulic and Biochemical Processes in Soil-Aquifer Treatment Systems Impacted by Bioclogging
Noam Weisbrod
Weiss, Kirk
273 - Imagining a More Resilient and Sustainable Integrated Water Supply System at the United States Air Force Academy
Kirk Weiss
Weiss, Pete
28 - Five Things We’ve Learned about Road Salt Impacts and Alternatives
Pete Weiss
Welker, Andrea
The College of New Jersey
Panel Discussion: Innovation in Civil Engineering Education for Future Ready Civil Engineers
Andrea Welker
Wells, Robert
214 - Considering Oriented Roughness in the Prediction of Runoff Flow Directions Over Complex Topography
Robert Wells
Wentzel, Beth
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD)
Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern (AOC) Restoration Projects: Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Fish Passage, and More
Beth Wentzel
Weston, David
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Flood Forecasting and Modeling - I
David Weston
Westphal, Kirk
72 - Using GCMs to Project Long-Term Rainfall Deficits
Kirk Westphal
White, Loren
238 - Providing Undergraduate Students with Training on Evaluating Climate Change Projections within the Framework of Open-source Software Infrastructure
Loren White
Whiting, Jillian
424 - Case Study: CFD Modeling of Two-Phase flow within a Vortex Drop Structure
Jillian Whiting
Whitman, Brian
Wilkes Univ.
530 - Minor Losses Due to Obstructions in Gravity Sewers
Brian Whitman
Whitman, Marcin
512 - New Design Aids from ASCE-EWRI/AFS-BES Joint Committee on Fisheries Engineering and Science – Training Portal and Design Checklists
Marcin Whitman
Wicklein, Ed
143 - Revealing Internal Details of Anaerobic Digester Mixing with CFD
Ed Wicklein
Wiesner-Friedman, Corinne
159 - Hydraulic Routing in Stormwater Collection Systems Using Physics-Informed Graph Neural Networks
Corinne Wiesner-Friedman
161 - A Novel Method for Considering Geoprivacy for Sewer Network Sampling Design with Wastewater Surveillance Applications
Corinne Wiesner-Friedman
Wiesner, Mark
Simon W. Freese Environmental Engineering Award and Lecture
Mark Wiesner
Williams, Daniel
US Environmental Protection Agency
540 - Turbidity Control and Optimization of Rural Water Treatment and Distribution Systems in Puerto Rico
Daniel Williams
Wilsnack, Mark
South Florida Water Management District
21 - Hydraulic Design of an Environmental Water Supply System for Wetland Hydration: A Case Study in the Central Florida Everglades
Mark Wilsnack
Wilson, Bruce
276 - Changes in Upper Midwestern Extreme Rainfall Depth Estimates from TP40 to Today: Is Climate Change to Blame?
Bruce Wilson
Wilson, Stacy
Wright Water Engineers, Inc.
Comprehensive Stormwater Monitoring
Stacy Wilson
521 - Monitoring the Effectiveness of Receiving Pervious Areas and Implications for Future Design, Construction and Evaluation
Stacy Wilson
Winrich, Abigail
378 - Modeling Through the Murky Water: An Investigation of Reoccurring Turbidity Impairments in Oklahoma (2002-2022)
Abigail Winrich
Winston, Ryan
Ohio State University
518 - The Role of Estimated Soil Parameters on Bioretention Modeling
Ryan Winston
645 - Does Improved Site Scale Modeling of Bioretention Translate to Better Estimating Watershed Scale Benefits?
Ryan Winston
Witt, Adam
602 - Using a Gravel Quarry for Raw Water Storage: A Water Quality Modeling Case Study of the Rock Hill Quarry Reservoir
Adam Witt
603 - Coupling Numerical and Physical Models to Evaluate Riprap Stability in High Turbulence Zone for the Mid-Breton Sediment Diversion Project
Adam Witt
Woody, Sarah
545 - Microplastics in Urban Water Sediments: Abundance, Distribution and Analysis
Sarah Woody
Wright, Daniel
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Design Rainfall in a Changing Climate: Recent Progress and Remaining Challenges
Daniel Wright
Modeling Flow in Sewer Networks
Daniel Wright
130 - Delineating Meteorologically Homogenous Regions for Use in Stochastic Storm Transposition
Daniel Wright
158 - How Adoption of Green Infrastructure Impacts Urban Hydrologic-Atmospheric Processes
Daniel Wright
260 - Process-based Flood Frequency Analysis: A Key to Unlock the Impacts of Climate Change on Floods
Daniel Wright
318 - Rainfall Frequency Analysis from the Point to the Watershed Scale
Daniel Wright
320 - Rainfall Spatiotemporal Variability Effects on Adverse Flow Conditions in Urban Stormwater Systems: A Case Study of the Richmond Tunnel in San Francisco, California
Daniel Wright
383 - Proxy Methods for Quantifying Geyser Potential in Stormwater Networks
Daniel Wright
431 - A Semi-dynamic Model of Rainstorms and Rainfall Frequency Up to the Probable Maximum Precipitation for Continental River Basins
Daniel Wright
Wright, Jason
Tetra Tech
Advances in Design of Green Infrastructure
Jason Wright
Wright, Laura Alexandra
545 - Microplastics in Urban Water Sediments: Abundance, Distribution and Analysis
Laura Alexandra Wright
Wu, Ruiyan
604 - Using conceptual hydrological models for runoff simulation and attribution analysis in the source area of the Yellow River (China)
Ruiyan Wu
Wu, Weiming
Clarkson University
Sediment Transport Modeling - II
Weiming Wu
637 - Exploring the Effect of Instream Boulders on Bed Load Transport
Weiming Wu
642 - Representative Particle Size for the Calculation of Sediment Settling Velocity
Weiming Wu
Wyndrum, Amelia
176 - Assessing the Role of Treatment Wetlands in Nutrient and Sediment Control in Kansas
Amelia Wyndrum
Wynne, Claire
530 - Minor Losses Due to Obstructions in Gravity Sewers
Claire Wynne