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Taddy, Christina
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD)
Public Engagement for the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern (AOC) Projects: Developing a Consistent Public Engagement Theme for Seemingly Unrelated Projects Spanning Multiple Rivers and Counties
Christina Taddy
Taha, Ahmad
Vanderbilt University
55 - On Placement of Water Quality Sensors for Nonlinear Multi-Species Models in Drinking Networks
Ahmad Taha
81 - Smarter Pump Scheduling Can Improve Water Quality Dynamics in Distribution Networks
Ahmad Taha
84 - Water Quality Controllability Metrics, Limitations, and Hydraulic Dependencies
Ahmad Taha
220 - Graph Neural Networks-Based Water Quality State Estimation in Water Distribution Networks
Ahmad Taha
Talchabhadel, Rocky
Jackson State University
170 - Urban Flood Inundation Prediction Under Climate Change
Rocky Talchabhadel
238 - Providing Undergraduate Students with Training on Evaluating Climate Change Projections within the Framework of Open-source Software Infrastructure
Rocky Talchabhadel
Tamang, Nishchal
Department of Civil Engineering, Utah State University
593 - The Subsurface Drip Irrigated Alfalfa Investigation in Utah
Nishchal Tamang
Tan, Fang
598 - Evaluation of Impact of Offshore Dredging Construction on Suspended Sediments and Water Quality
Fang Tan
Tao, Yichen
University of Wisconsin-Madison
320 - Rainfall Spatiotemporal Variability Effects on Adverse Flow Conditions in Urban Stormwater Systems: A Case Study of the Richmond Tunnel in San Francisco, California
Yichen Tao
383 - Proxy Methods for Quantifying Geyser Potential in Stormwater Networks
Yichen Tao
Tarabara, Volodymyr
Michigan State University
Characterization and Treatment of Contaminants in Surface Water and Groundwater
Volodymyr Tarabara
563 - Natural Coagulants as Pretreatment for Ultrafiltration: Relative Advantages and Performance Tradeoffs
Volodymyr Tarabara
Tarpeh, William
342 - In Our Own Backyards: Assessing Septic Failures in the Rural South Through Community Engaged Research
William Tarpeh
Tasnim, Bushra
Auburn University
89 - Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Simulations in the Perdido and Wolf Bay System Under Various Scenarios
Bushra Tasnim
Tauqeer, Abdul
356 - Flood Extent Mapping in Sindh, Pakistan Through the Fusion of Optical and SAR Data
Abdul Tauqeer
Tavakoli Nick, Shadi
224 - The Application of UV-LED as an Alternative to LP-UV for Virus Inactivation in Potable Water Reuse
Shadi Tavakoli Nick
Tavakoly, Ahmad
605 - A Toolset for Synthetic River Bathymetry Generation. Integrating Remote Sensing and Other Data Through the Principle of Maximum Entropy.
Ahmad Tavakoly
Taye, Jyotismita
University of Central Florida
226 - Sediment Transport and Retention in Complex Biological Canopies: Applications to the Design of Natural Infrastructure
Jyotismita Taye
316 - Examining the Influence of Intertidal Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Reefs on Local Hydrodynamics in Shallow Water
Jyotismita Taye
Taylor, Merrill
282 - From Management Program to Meaningful Projects – How Pasadena Created an Implementable Pathway to Progress Towards MS4 Compliance
Merrill Taylor
Teixeira Brasil, Jose Artur
557 - Assessment of LID Performance through Integration of Permeable Pavements with Digital Twins.
Jose Artur Teixeira Brasil
Telyma, Sergey
13 - Enhancing the Efficacy of Meliorative Systems in Southern Ukraine During Post-War Reconstruction
Sergey Telyma
Tesi, Pietro
94 - Data Driven System Identification of Water Distribution Systems via Kernel-Based Interpolation
Pietro Tesi
Teske, Kathryn
598 - Evaluation of Impact of Offshore Dredging Construction on Suspended Sediments and Water Quality
Kathryn Teske
Thakur, Balbhadra
FTN Associates, Ltd.
154 - Application of Pre-processed Radar-Based Gridded Precipitation using Streamlined Workflow of HECHMS and HECRAS
Balbhadra Thakur
Theerdh, Manikyala Sriram
Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence
628 - Estimation of Leaf Area Index Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data for Wheat Crop
Manikyala Sriram Theerdh
Thenuwara, Manisha
University of Central Florida
226 - Sediment Transport and Retention in Complex Biological Canopies: Applications to the Design of Natural Infrastructure
Manisha Thenuwara
316 - Examining the Influence of Intertidal Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) Reefs on Local Hydrodynamics in Shallow Water
Manisha Thenuwara
Therrien, Benjamin
102 - Microbial Community Structures in Anaerobic Digesters Reveal Potentially Differing Waste Conversion Pathways
Benjamin Therrien
Thomas, Meghna
The University of Texas at Austin
358 - State Estimation of Water Distribution Networks Using Virtual Measurements from Reduced Models
Meghna Thomas
Thomas, Serge
110 - Hydraulic Effect on Entrainment and Transport Mechanisms of Particulate Phosphorus in Stormwater Treatment Areas Dominated by Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
Serge Thomas
Thompson, Angela
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants
330 - The Adaptive Approach for Riverbank Erosion Management in Bangladesh
Angela Thompson
331 - River Stabilization Planning in Bangladesh
Angela Thompson
Thompson, Bil
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
469 - Framework for Connecting Simplified Methods of Environmental Co-benefits Estimation with Specified Design Criteria and Future Plans for Validation and Depository of Empirical Results
Bil Thompson
Thompson, Cate
266 - Jointly on Stormwater Pipe Joints
Cate Thompson
Throneburg, Mason
500 - Modeling Collection System Climate Change Response and Uncertainty Using a Global Climate Model (GCM) Ensemble
Mason Throneburg
501 - System-Scale Green Infrastructure Performance Evaluation and Prioritization Under Future Climate: GCM Data-informed Urban Hydrologic Modeling
Mason Throneburg
Tiedmann, Helena
Wisconsin Sea Grant/Coastal Management Program
43 - Bridging the Gap: Bringing Engineering Research to Wisconsin’s Coastal Great Lakes Communities
Helena Tiedmann
44 - Harnessing Water Utility Customer Reporting for Robust Operations and Effective Management
Helena Tiedmann
Timpson, Ken
The Ken Timpson Company
381 - An explanation of "TR-20 Computer Program for Project Formulation Hydrology" Soil Conservation Service Feb. 1992
Ken Timpson
Tiwari, Satyam
145 - Pressure Dependent Analysis of Water Distribution Networks Considering Different NHFRs at Different Nodes
Satyam Tiwari
Tkachenko, Oleksii
Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
64 - Evaluating Rain-Garden Bands: Filtration Properties and Implications for Urban Water Management
Oleksii Tkachenko
Tkachenko, T
13 - Enhancing the Efficacy of Meliorative Systems in Southern Ukraine During Post-War Reconstruction
T Tkachenko
64 - Evaluating Rain-Garden Bands: Filtration Properties and Implications for Urban Water Management
T Tkachenko
Toivonen, Susanna
Michigan Technological University
588 - Adapting the Water Evaluation and Planning Model for Analyzing Flash Flooding Impacts in Rural El Salvador
Susanna Toivonen
629 - Flood Discharge Estimation Methods for Ungauged Basins in Michigan
Susanna Toivonen
Toledo Salazar, Alessandro
453 - Clustering Analysis in Water Distribution Systems for Enhanced Metering Infrastructure Retrofitting
Alessandro Toledo Salazar
Toride, Kinya
471 - Configuration and Validation of the WRF Model for the Columbia River Basin
Kinya Toride
Torkomany, Mohamed
University of South Carolina
352 - Comparison Between TELEMAC-2D/SISYPHE and a Slumping Failure Model to Simulate Breaching of Earthen Embankments
Mohamed Torkomany
Torlapati, Jagadish
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Rowan University
327 - Critical Evaluation of Environmental Factors Influencing the Microbial Bioremediation of Hydrocarbons in the Arctic Region
Jagadish Torlapati
Torres, Christian
9 - Experimental Study on Erosion of Opposing Bank at the Confluence of a Culvert and a Channel
Christian Torres
Traver, Robert
Villanova University
Open Discussion | Closing Remarks
Robert Traver
252 - Effects of Sampling Interval on Understanding Storm Characteristics
Robert Traver
323 - I-95 Girard Avenue Interchange Stormwater Project: Lessons Learned from Collaborative Research
Robert Traver
Treichel, Allyson
580 - Effect of Rainfall on Microplastic Accumulation in a Canal Ecosystem
Allyson Treichel
585 - Microplastic Pollution in a Canal: Seasonal and Spatial Impact
Allyson Treichel
Tripp, Shane
25 - Monitoring the Hydrologic Performance and Stormwater Storage of Urban Prairies
Shane Tripp
Troch, Peter
299 - Understanding Hydrological Patterns in Brazil: A Catchment Classification Perspective
Peter Troch
Tsai, Christina
National Taiwan University
485 - Fractional Stochastic Particle Tracking Model with Long-term Memory : A Numerical Investigation on Differentiable Probabilistic Trajectories Achieved by Malliavin-calculus-based Fractional Brownian Motion (fBm)
Christina Tsai
Tsai, Frank
Louisiana State University
56 - Utilizing Public-Domain Models and Datasets for Resolving Interstate Groundwater Disputes: A Mississippi v. Tennessee Case Study
Frank Tsai
119 - 3D Multiple-Indicator Interval Kriging for Subsurface Characterization
Frank Tsai
Tsai, Tsai-Yang
384 - Assessing Flow Regimes Alterations and Economic Cost under Different Scenarios of Reservoir Operation Optimization
Tsai-Yang Tsai
Tsegaye, Seneshaw
Florida Gulf Coast University
135 - Building Urban Resilience with Nature-based Solutions: A Strategic Approach
Seneshaw Tsegaye
Tupas, Christy
557 - Assessment of LID Performance through Integration of Permeable Pavements with Digital Twins.
Christy Tupas
Turnadge, Chris
296 - Adjoint Modeling of Groundwater Flow Systems: From the Pioneering Work of Dr. William Yeh to the Present
Chris Turnadge
Turos, Mugur
28 - Five Things We’ve Learned about Road Salt Impacts and Alternatives
Mugur Turos
Tusher, Sajjad
637 - Exploring the Effect of Instream Boulders on Bed Load Transport
Sajjad Tusher
Tyagi, Aditya
Jacobs Engineering
231 - Analyzing Heavily Censored Surface Water Pesticide Concentration Data Using Innovative Statistical Techniques
Aditya Tyagi
233 - Challenges of Conducting Trend Analysis for Environmental Regulatory Compliance
Aditya Tyagi
Tyson, Louise
313 - Leveraging Envision® and ESG for Improved Sustainability Performance in Projects and in the Workplace
Louise Tyson