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A. N., Rohith
178 - Prediction of climate change-induced alterations in streamflow and bridge scour and exploration of mitigation strategies: an application in a central Pennsylvania watershed
Rohith A. N.
324 - Optimum Planning of Agricultural Conservation Practices at Watershed Scale
Rohith A. N.
325 - Flow Forecast Verification using Medium-range Ensemble Weather Re-forecast for Drought Predictions in the Potomac River Basin
Rohith A. N.
Abbasian, Mohammad
University of Wisconsin-Madison
260 - Process-based Flood Frequency Analysis: A Key to Unlock the Impacts of Climate Change on Floods
Mohammad Abbasian
Abhijith, Gopinathan
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
150 - Calculation of Water Age Using Electrical Simulators
Gopinathan Abhijith
Abokifa, Ahmed
University of Illinois Chicago
Graduate Student Committee Panel Discussion
Ahmed Abokifa
Water Distribution System Risk, Vulnerability, Reliability, and Resilience
Ahmed Abokifa
Water Distribution Systems Analysis (WDSA) Committee Meeting
Ahmed Abokifa
84 - Water Quality Controllability Metrics, Limitations, and Hydraulic Dependencies
Ahmed Abokifa
115 - Physics-Informed Stacking Ensemble Machine Learning for Water Quality State Estimation in Water Distribution Systems
Ahmed Abokifa
116 - State Estimation-Based Placement of Water Quality Sensors in Water Distribution Systems
Ahmed Abokifa
220 - Graph Neural Networks-Based Water Quality State Estimation in Water Distribution Networks
Ahmed Abokifa
AbouJaoude, Adel
Flowing Forward: CFD Modeling and Real-Time Monitoring for Water Quality Assurance
Adel AbouJaoude
Water Supply, Treatment And Distribution EngineeringCommittee Meeting
Adel AbouJaoude
561 - A Comparison of Chlorine Decay and Tracer Modeling Using CFD for a Large Treated Water Reservoir and Discussion of Thermal Impacts
Adel AbouJaoude
Abraham, Adithya Pazhoor
608 - An Equivalent Orifice for Short Conduits in SWMM
Adithya Pazhoor Abraham
Abuismail, Shrouq
Lehigh University
37 - Can Incentive Programs for Green Infrastructures be a Win-Win for City and Property Owners?
Shrouq Abuismail
415 - Transferability of Data-Driven Models to Enhance the Water Level Prediction in Basins with Scarce Data
Shrouq Abuismail
Acero, Paiwa
University of Illinois Chicago (UIC)
97 - How are Alaska Water Systems Interdependent with Other Infrastructure? A Systematic Literature Review
Paiwa Acero
Acharya, Kriti
303 - Evaluating the Resilience of Hybrid Centralized and Decentralized Water Supply Systems
Kriti Acharya
322 - Predicting Future Water Demand Using Machine Learning Models with Water, Energy, Climate, and Social Features
Kriti Acharya
435 - Analysis of Land Use Land Cover Change (LULC) in a Watershed with High Urbanization Potential Using the CA-Markov Model
Kriti Acharya
Adams, Nathaniel
600 - Developing a Large-Scale Hydraulics Flood Model for Canada
Nathaniel Adams
Adams, Timothy
CDM Smith
72 - Using GCMs to Project Long-Term Rainfall Deficits
Timothy Adams
Adhikari, Kushal
Juniata College
196 - Stormwater Management Using Low Impact Developments (LIDs): Case Study from Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA
Kushal Adhikari
379 - Water Quality Assessment of Muddy Run, Pennsylvania, USA
Kushal Adhikari
412 - Lab-scale Design for Pond-In-Pond: An Alternative Wastewater Treatment System for Reuse
Kushal Adhikari
Adhikari, Nirajan
Drexel University
294 - Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on Flooding in Camden, NJ Using a Coupled 1D-2D all Pipes Model
Nirajan Adhikari
Adjovu, Godson Ebenezer
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
343 - Application of Machine Learning Algorithms for the Estimation of the Concentration of Total Suspended Solids in the Colorado River Using Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager Data
Godson Ebenezer Adjovu
AghaKouchak, Amir
University of California Irvine
79 - Unveiling Connections Between Shifting Reservoir Inflows Trend and Climate Variables in West and Southwest United States
Amir AghaKouchak
Ahmad, Ali
594 - Characterizing the Sustainability of Point-of-use Water Disinfection Technologies for Communities
Ali Ahmad
Ahmad, Ibtihaj
524 - Machine Learning-Based Land Cover Classification and Impact Assessment in Pre-wildfire and Post-wildfire Areas
Ibtihaj Ahmad
Ahmadisharaf, Ebrahim
Florida State University
Advances in Watershed Modeling and Applications - I
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
Development and Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) Techniques in Computational Hydraulics - II
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
79 - Unveiling Connections Between Shifting Reservoir Inflows Trend and Climate Variables in West and Southwest United States
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
152 - Long-term Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Water Quality Parameters in Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
165 - Multivariate Return Periods of Riverine Flood Events: Comparative Analyses of Instantaneous and Daily Timescales
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
177 - Generalizability of Neural Network Models for Hindcasting Maximum River Flood Depths in Coastal Watersheds
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
179 - Updating Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves for Short-duration Precipitations under Climate Change: The Case of Pensacola and Perdido Bays Watershed
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
267 - Land Cover Change Impacts on Hydrology and Water Quality of the Southeast United States
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
281 - Changes in Runoff Peak and Volume in an Urban Watershed Due to Changes in Climate and Land Cover
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
297 - Harmful Algal Blooms in Bay-Estuary Systems Under Future Climate: The Case of Apalachicola Bay, Florida
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf
Ahmad, Sajjad
University of Nevada Las Vegas
343 - Application of Machine Learning Algorithms for the Estimation of the Concentration of Total Suspended Solids in the Colorado River Using Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager Data
Sajjad Ahmad
356 - Flood Extent Mapping in Sindh, Pakistan Through the Fusion of Optical and SAR Data
Sajjad Ahmad
524 - Machine Learning-Based Land Cover Classification and Impact Assessment in Pre-wildfire and Post-wildfire Areas
Sajjad Ahmad
577 - The 2021 Bootleg Fire: A Hydrological Perspective through Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
Sajjad Ahmad
Ahmari, Habib
The University of Texas at Arlington
240 - Soil Erodibility at Bridge Construction Sites
Habib Ahmari
Ahmed, Mansoor
151 - Impact Assessment of Small Dams in the Kohistan Region, Sindh, Pakistan
Mansoor Ahmed
Ahmed, Sarah
325 - Flow Forecast Verification using Medium-range Ensemble Weather Re-forecast for Drought Predictions in the Potomac River Basin
Sarah Ahmed
Akatu, Wisdom
Villanova University
307 - Linking Storm Type and Sediment Transport within GSI
Wisdom Akatu
Al Aamery, Nabil
University of Kufa
309 - Coupling the Modelling of Continuity with Fingerprinting to Quantify Sediment Transport for Karst Streams and Caves
Nabil Al Aamery
Al Fahham, Youssef
Water Hammer in Water Systems: Analysis and Mitigation with Hands-On Training
Youssef Al Fahham
Alamdari, Nasrin
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
160 - Evaluating the Effects of Climate Change on Harmful Algal Blooms in Coastal Estuaries Integrating Data-Driven and Downscaling Approaches
Nasrin Alamdari
188 - Assessing Climate Change's Short - and Long-Term Effects on Meteorological Variables and Their Influence on Runoff and Nutrient Loads in Agricultural Watersheds
Nasrin Alamdari
198 - Evaluating Stormwater Green Infrastructure Performance in the Face of Climate Change: A Case Study of Coastal – Urban Watershed.
Nasrin Alamdari
199 - Prediction of E. coli Concentrations in Highly Urbanized Watersheds: An Analysis Using Diverse Environmental Stressors
Nasrin Alamdari
229 - Integrating Physics-based Hydrological Model with Deep Neural Network for predicting the River Morphological Parameters
Nasrin Alamdari
271 - Evaluating Seawater Intrusion in Miami-Dade County with the Urban Miami Dade Model in the Context of Rising Sea Levels
Nasrin Alamdari
281 - Changes in Runoff Peak and Volume in an Urban Watershed Due to Changes in Climate and Land Cover
Nasrin Alamdari
869 - Predicting Harmful Algal Blooms in Freshwater Lakes across FL: A Remote Sensing Approach to Water Quality and Cyanobacteria Analysis
Nasrin Alamdari
Alam, Md. Shahabul
The University of Alabama
109 - Strategies for Evaluating the Performance of NHDPlus-based Continental-scale Hydrologic Models in Predicting Flood and Drought Events
Md. Shahabul Alam
172 - A Comprehensive Study of Multi-Year Hydrological Droughts in the Great Salt Lake Basin
Md. Shahabul Alam
183 - Coupling Machine Learning with the National Water Model to Account for the Impacts of Water Resources Infrastructure: Improving Streamflow Prediction Skill to Enhance Great Salt Lake Management.
Md. Shahabul Alam
Alamu, Sam Oludayo
447 - Research on How the Poultry Litter Biochar Production Conditions Affect the Final Yield, and Properties of Biochar
Sam Oludayo Alamu
448 - Poultry Litter Biochar for Pb(II) adsorption
Sam Oludayo Alamu
Al-Attabic, Ali
465 - Holistic Framework for Sustainability Assessment of Water Treatment Plants
Ali Al-Attabic
Albert, Lynal
Tarleton State University
646 - Sustainable Employment of MICP for Engineering Applications - Current Trends and Future Perspectives
Lynal Albert
647 - The Case for Sustainable Management of Nanoparticle Use
Lynal Albert
Ale, Binod
303 - Evaluating the Resilience of Hybrid Centralized and Decentralized Water Supply Systems
Binod Ale
322 - Predicting Future Water Demand Using Machine Learning Models with Water, Energy, Climate, and Social Features
Binod Ale
Alexander, G. Aaron
158 - How Adoption of Green Infrastructure Impacts Urban Hydrologic-Atmospheric Processes
G. Aaron Alexander
260 - Process-based Flood Frequency Analysis: A Key to Unlock the Impacts of Climate Change on Floods
G. Aaron Alexander
Alger, Jessica
Michigan Technological University
366 - Urban Rainfall Flood Risk Equity in Southeast Michigan
Jessica Alger
Alghamdi, Faisal
North Carolina State University
181 - Estimating Residential Outdoor Water Use with Smart Water Meter Data
Faisal Alghamdi
Al-Hamdan, Mohammad
University of Mississippi
Web-based Flood Inundation Modeling with DSS-WISE Web: A Short Course on Recent Updates with Hands-On Training
Mohammad Al-Hamdan
131 - Parallel Numerical Solvers in 2D Numerical Models for Complex Geometries
Mohammad Al-Hamdan
270 - Numerical Modeling of Flow, Sediment and Nutrients in Upland Watersheds and Downstream Channel Networks
Mohammad Al-Hamdan
Ali, Ahmed Shakir
91 - Use of Physics-Infused Neural Networks for Solving Different Types of Environmental Transport Problems
Ahmed Shakir Ali
Ali, Md. Mostafa
185 - Evaluating the Impact of an Upstream Reservoir on Surma-Kushiyara River Flow using a Hydrologic Model in SWAT
Md. Mostafa Ali
Alipour, Reza Saleh
315 - Sensitivity of Flood Inundation Mapping to DEM Resolution and Urban Features in the Amite River Basin
Reza Saleh Alipour
Alkhaddar, Rafid
Liverpool John Moores University
465 - Holistic Framework for Sustainability Assessment of Water Treatment Plants
Rafid Alkhaddar
Alkhateb, Hunain
University of Mississippi
80 - Applications of Graphene Sand Composites in Water Treatment
Hunain Alkhateb
Allagoa, Mary
10 - Feasibility of Bioremediation Technique on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
Mary Allagoa
26 - Risk Model on Target Receptors
Mary Allagoa
Allen, Chris
519 - Does Pond Pretreatment Performance Matter? Analysis of Pretreatment Effectiveness on Long-Term Maintenance Costs and Frequency
Chris Allen
Allen, Vaikko
Contech Engineered Solutions
Advances in Stormwater Management - II
Vaikko Allen
285 - Sediment Removal and Recovery in Fabric Wrapped Chamber Pretreatment Systems
Vaikko Allen
Almagro, André
299 - Understanding Hydrological Patterns in Brazil: A Catchment Classification Perspective
André Almagro
306 - Curve Number Estimation for 57 Brazilian Catchments
André Almagro
Almousa, Mousa
398 - Selective Recovery and Recycling of Lithium from Produced Water Bakken Oilfield in North Dakota
Mousa Almousa
Alp, Emre
Middle East Technical University
648 - Assessment of circular economy potential in water and agriculture sectors in the context of WEF Nexus in Türkiye
Emre Alp
649 - Enhancing watershed management through stakeholder analysis (SA) and social network analysis (SNA)
Emre Alp
Aluthgun Hewage, Shaini
Center for Research and Education in Advanced Transportation Engineering Systems, Rowan University
327 - Critical Evaluation of Environmental Factors Influencing the Microbial Bioremediation of Hydrocarbons in the Arctic Region
Shaini Aluthgun Hewage
Alzeyadi, Ali
University of AlQadisiyah
465 - Holistic Framework for Sustainability Assessment of Water Treatment Plants
Ali Alzeyadi
Amini, Farshad
Jackson State University
170 - Urban Flood Inundation Prediction Under Climate Change
Farshad Amini
238 - Providing Undergraduate Students with Training on Evaluating Climate Change Projections within the Framework of Open-source Software Infrastructure
Farshad Amini
Amiri, Helen
632 - Case Study of Use of User-Friendly Algorithm for the Balanced Design of a Multiple-Source Water Distribution System
Helen Amiri
Amur, Achira
502 - Defining the US Urban Flood Challenge
Achira Amur
Amurrio, Fabian
536 - Trends in Microplastic Methodologies from Database of Environmental Microplastic Observations (DEMO)
Fabian Amurrio
Anaya, Nelson
530 - Minor Losses Due to Obstructions in Gravity Sewers
Nelson Anaya
An, Chenge
Tsinghua University
472 - Large-scale Coherent Structures in Rough-bed Open-channel Flows: Direct Numerical Simulation and Implications
Chenge An
474 - Benefits of Coupled Revegetation and Check-dams on Controlling Sediment Yield During Extreme Rainstorm Event in the Loess Plateau
Chenge An
Anderson, Michael
California Department of Water Resources
475 - Maximum Flooding in the American River Watershed: Can Atmospheric Rivers be Optimized to Intensify Precipitation and Flooding
Michael Anderson
556 - WEHY Modeling and Calibration of Sacramento River Basin’s Sub-watersheds for their Use in a Hydrological Forecasting System
Michael Anderson
597 - Mountainous Watershed Modeling with WEHY-HCM: A Case Study from Trinity Watershed in California
Michael Anderson
Anderson, Tristen
526 - Changing Middle Rio Grande Channel Conditions Highway 550 to Montano Road Bridge
Tristen Anderson
Ansar, Matahel
South Florida Water Management District
454 - Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling to Study Maximum Allowable Gate Openings at Spillways
Matahel Ansar
Antoine, Danielle
536 - Trends in Microplastic Methodologies from Database of Environmental Microplastic Observations (DEMO)
Danielle Antoine
Antoine, Jalayna
125 - Assessing Multiple Ecosystem Services for Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Jalayna Antoine
Arbuckle-Keil, Georgia
536 - Trends in Microplastic Methodologies from Database of Environmental Microplastic Observations (DEMO)
Georgia Arbuckle-Keil
Arias-Roman, Sheila
US Army Corps of Engineers-Jacksonville District
490 - Hydrodynamic Modeling of Coastal Flooding: Joint Impact Assessment of Fluvial and Storm Surge Flood Drivers in St. Augustine, Florida
Sheila Arias-Roman
Arjmandi, Ali
146 - Quantify Post Wildfire Curve Numbers in Arid Watersheds
Ali Arjmandi
146 - Quantify Post Wildfire Curve Numbers in Arid Watersheds
Ali Arjmandi
Armandei, M. Mehdi
Tetra Tech
287 - Investigation of Compound Flooding on the Lower Mississippi River
M. Mehdi Armandei
Armstrong, Kingston
507 - Designing and Deploying Internet-of-things Enabled Water Diaries to Observe Personal End Uses
Kingston Armstrong
Arumugam, Sankar
North Carolina State University
Panel Discussion: State-of-the-art of Uncertainty Analysis in Hydroclimate Modeling
Sankar Arumugam
57 - Large-scale Forecasting of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Hydrologic Extremes For Reservoir Management
Sankar Arumugam
589 - Can We Better Balance the Drought Risk and Flood Risk Tradeoff By Climate-informed Reservoir Operation?
Sankar Arumugam
Aryal, Abhiru
Southern Illinois University
436 - Assessing Flood Risk Through GIS-based Weighted Overlay and 1D Flood Simulation in Critical Sub-catchment
Abhiru Aryal
Asefa, Tirusew
Tampa Bay Water Authority
534 - Downscaling and Bias-correction of Gridded Precipitation Output from CMIP6 Models for the Florida Peninsula
Tirusew Asefa
Asok, Eshwanth
133 - Environmental Co-design: Reconfigurable Hydrokinetic Turbine Arrays for Sustainable Energy in the Lower Mississippi Region
Eshwanth Asok
Asok, Harshin Kamal
104 - Designing a Comprehensive Monitoring Plan of the Long-term Performance of Various Types of Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Southeast Florida
Harshin Kamal Asok
401 - Exploring Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling for Microclimatic Wind and Urban Thermal Environment: A Case Study of the Miami Design District in Miami, Florida
Harshin Kamal Asok
Astuti, Wiji
121 - Assessing Data Gaps on Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Prediction Models using Similarity Analysis Approach
Wiji Astuti
Atayi, Julia
Morgan State University
417 - Urban Flood Modeling in Response to Extreme Rainfall Events
Julia Atayi
Aubeneau, Antoine
466 - Laboratory Experiment on Fate and Transport of eDNA on Clean and Loaded Streambeds
Antoine Aubeneau
Auger, Steve
Toronto Region Conservation Authority
468 - Evaluating the Effect of Residential Catchment Maturity on Phosphorus Export Coefficients in Ontario
Steve Auger
469 - Framework for Connecting Simplified Methods of Environmental Co-benefits Estimation with Specified Design Criteria and Future Plans for Validation and Depository of Empirical Results
Steve Auger
Austin, Parker
85 - Long-term and Design Rainfall-Runoff Simulations of Infiltration Swales along Alabama Roads
Parker Austin
Awasthi, Chandramauli
North Carolina State University
589 - Can We Better Balance the Drought Risk and Flood Risk Tradeoff By Climate-informed Reservoir Operation?
Chandramauli Awasthi
Aydilek, Aydilek
47 - Performance of Compost-Biochar Amended Soils in the terms of Vegetation, Water Quality, and Hydraulic Properties
Aydilek Aydilek
Ayers, Katie
493 - Evaluating the Effect of Initial Abstraction Ratio Variation on Curve Number Accuracy
Katie Ayers
Azadani, Mitra Nasr
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
188 - Assessing Climate Change's Short - and Long-Term Effects on Meteorological Variables and Their Influence on Runoff and Nutrient Loads in Agricultural Watersheds
Mitra Nasr Azadani
Azeem-Angel, Marian
509 - Developing Community-informed Flood Management Strategies
Marian Azeem-Angel