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Fahrenfeld, Nicole
536 - Trends in Microplastic Methodologies from Database of Environmental Microplastic Observations (DEMO)
Nicole Fahrenfeld
Fairbaugh, Craig
Contech Engineered Solutions
Stormwater Media Filtration Committee Meeting
Craig Fairbaugh
285 - Sediment Removal and Recovery in Fabric Wrapped Chamber Pretreatment Systems
Craig Fairbaugh
519 - Does Pond Pretreatment Performance Matter? Analysis of Pretreatment Effectiveness on Long-Term Maintenance Costs and Frequency
Craig Fairbaugh
559 - Stormwater Media Filtration Technical Report: Developing Media Selection Tools
Craig Fairbaugh
Fang, Jian
29 - Identify Potential BMP Tools to Reduce Bacteria Loading Caused by On-site Sewage Facilities (OSSFs) in the Lower Neches River Watershed
Jian Fang
Fang, Xing
Auburn University
Coastal and Estuary Hydraulics - I
Xing Fang
85 - Long-term and Design Rainfall-Runoff Simulations of Infiltration Swales along Alabama Roads
Xing Fang
89 - Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Simulations in the Perdido and Wolf Bay System Under Various Scenarios
Xing Fang
98 - Study of Ice Formation/Jam Events on the Missouri River Using HEC-RAS
Xing Fang
99 - Simulations of Impacts of Natural and Nature-Based Features on Flooding Along the Alabama Coast
Xing Fang
Faria Pezan, Victor
306 - Curve Number Estimation for 57 Brazilian Catchments
Victor Faria Pezan
Faruk, Omar
436 - Assessing Flood Risk Through GIS-based Weighted Overlay and 1D Flood Simulation in Critical Sub-catchment
Omar Faruk
Faust, Kasey
The University of Texas at Austin
44 - Harnessing Water Utility Customer Reporting for Robust Operations and Effective Management
Kasey Faust
Feeney, Timothy
Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority
294 - Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on Flooding in Camden, NJ Using a Coupled 1D-2D all Pipes Model
Timothy Feeney
Feist, Kyle
Cal Poly - ITRC
Water Quality and Drainage Committee Meeting / Irrigation Delivery and Drainage Systems Committee Meeting
Kyle Feist
Water Quality and Drainage Committee Meeting / Irrigation Delivery and Drainage Systems Committee Meeting
Kyle Feist
Feldman, Ari
499 - Optimizing Resiliency: A Framework for Resilient Water Systems
Ari Feldman
Feng, Dongmei
402 - Riverine Suspended Sediment Concentration Estimation by Assimilating Remotely Sensed Data with Soil Erosion Model Simulations
Dongmei Feng
Feng, Yilu
606 - Copula-Based Event Simulation Approach for Catastrophe Flood Models
Yilu Feng
Ficchì, Andrea
Politecnico di Milano
405 - Mastering Multi-scale Ensemble Forecasts Using Reinforcement Learning for Advancing Forecast Informed Reservoir Operation
Andrea Ficchì
Fisher, Madeline
Ohio Northern University
547 - LCA for Engineering Education
Madeline Fisher
FitzGerald, Benjamin
130 - Delineating Meteorologically Homogenous Regions for Use in Stochastic Storm Transposition
Benjamin FitzGerald
260 - Process-based Flood Frequency Analysis: A Key to Unlock the Impacts of Climate Change on Floods
Benjamin FitzGerald
Flanagan, Molly
Alliance for the Great Lakes
Great Lakes Issues and Development of the Compact
Molly Flanagan
Fleischmann, Corinna
US Coast Guard Academy
169 - Ensuring Modern Standards are Met at Older Facilities – Two Case Studies
Corinna Fleischmann
Fletcher, Sarah
Stanford University
505 - Interactive Decision-support for Participatory Water Planning Under Multiple Sources of Uncertainty
Sarah Fletcher
Forest, Chris
178 - Prediction of climate change-induced alterations in streamflow and bridge scour and exploration of mitigation strategies: an application in a central Pennsylvania watershed
Chris Forest
Fox, James
University of Kentucky
309 - Coupling the Modelling of Continuity with Fingerprinting to Quantify Sediment Transport for Karst Streams and Caves
James Fox
567 - Coupling Sensor Networks with Integrated Models of Hydrologic Processes at the Watershed Scale to Estimate Water Flux, Sediment Transport Rates, and Water Quality Transformation
James Fox
Frankel, Matthew
University of Texas at Austin
49 - Enhancing Modeling of Drinking Water Quality with Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs): Learning from incomplete Reaction Model and Incomplete Data
Matthew Frankel
Frans, Chris
471 - Configuration and Validation of the WRF Model for the Columbia River Basin
Chris Frans
473 - Depth-Area Analysis of Precipitation Outputs from the Numerical Atmospheric Model
Chris Frans
Frenkel, Val
TYLin Greeley and Hansen Water Solutions
7 - Reverse Osmosis: History, Opportunities & Limitations
Val Frenkel
Fried, Dale
171 - Application of Airborne Geiger Mode Lidar to Routine Inspection of Vegetated Levees
Dale Fried
Fuchs, Heidi
575 - Changing Energy Requirements to Meet Future Water Demand
Heidi Fuchs
Fugate, David
110 - Hydraulic Effect on Entrainment and Transport Mechanisms of Particulate Phosphorus in Stormwater Treatment Areas Dominated by Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
David Fugate
Fu, George
564 - Digital Twin of Aerated Stabilization Basin: Navigating Environmental Compliance and Sustainability Goals for Industrial Facilities
George Fu
Fujisaki-Manome, Ayumi
Simulation of Compound Flood Risk in Milwaukee, WI and Berrien County, MI
Ayumi Fujisaki-Manome
Fuller, Christopher
247 - A Case Study of How the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) Suite of Tools Can Be Deployed to Perform Automated Forecasting
Christopher Fuller
Fuller, Jeff
USACE, Chicago District
Monitoring the Chicago Diversion
Jeff Fuller
Fuller, Maureen
237 - Incipient Motion Principles Applied to Stream Restoration Processes Regarding the Keystone Species Bluehead Chubs
Maureen Fuller
Furman, Alex
36 - Modeling Hydraulic and Biochemical Processes in Soil-Aquifer Treatment Systems Impacted by Bioclogging
Alex Furman
Futrell, Jacob
433 - Analysis of Urban Water Usage for Small and Mid-sized Cities in the CONUS
Jacob Futrell
Fu, Xudong
472 - Large-scale Coherent Structures in Rough-bed Open-channel Flows: Direct Numerical Simulation and Implications
Xudong Fu
474 - Benefits of Coupled Revegetation and Check-dams on Controlling Sediment Yield During Extreme Rainstorm Event in the Loess Plateau
Xudong Fu