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Oberhagemann, Knut
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd
330 - The Adaptive Approach for Riverbank Erosion Management in Bangladesh
Knut Oberhagemann
331 - River Stabilization Planning in Bangladesh
Knut Oberhagemann
O'Brien, Colleen
Northwestern University
25 - Monitoring the Hydrologic Performance and Stormwater Storage of Urban Prairies
Colleen O'Brien
Ochoa, Lilia
536 - Trends in Microplastic Methodologies from Database of Environmental Microplastic Observations (DEMO)
Lilia Ochoa
O'Connor, Thomas
U S Environmental Protection Agency
396 - Throughfall and Stemflow Measurements of Three Different Sized Trees
Thomas O'Connor
397 - Death by Sewer Pipe: Understanding Safety Needs for Infrastructure in a Changing Landscape
Thomas O'Connor
Ogawa, Riki
65 - Historical Reconstruction of Precipitation and Temperature Fields over British Columbia
Riki Ogawa
Ohara, Noriaki
University of Wyoming
Modeling Hydrologic Processes at the Catchment Scale in the Context of Changing Climate - I
Noriaki Ohara
Modeling Hydrologic Processes at the Catchment Scale in the Context of Changing Climate - II
Noriaki Ohara
Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding Processes: Modeling and Assessment in a Changing Climate
Noriaki Ohara
364 - Seasonal Snowpack Forecasting Using Fokker-Planck Equation Method with Non-Gaussian Information Metrics for Incorporating the Modes of Low-frequency Climate Variability
Noriaki Ohara
Ojasanya, Kehinde
University of Vermont
346 - Assessment of the Permeability Characteristics in Geomaterial Capping Applications for Defective Geomembrane – a Brief Review
Kehinde Ojasanya
347 - A Simplistic Approach for Evaluating Urban Flood Risk Through the Integration of HEC-RAS 2D and GIS
Kehinde Ojasanya
Olena, Voloshkina
13 - Enhancing the Efficacy of Meliorative Systems in Southern Ukraine During Post-War Reconstruction
Voloshkina Olena
64 - Evaluating Rain-Garden Bands: Filtration Properties and Implications for Urban Water Management
Voloshkina Olena
Oliveira, Paulo Tarso
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
Curve Number Hydrology - II
Paulo Tarso Oliveira
299 - Understanding Hydrological Patterns in Brazil: A Catchment Classification Perspective
Paulo Tarso Oliveira
306 - Curve Number Estimation for 57 Brazilian Catchments
Paulo Tarso Oliveira
Olson, Chris
Wright Water Engineers
Comprehensive Stormwater Monitoring
Chris Olson
521 - Monitoring the Effectiveness of Receiving Pervious Areas and Implications for Future Design, Construction and Evaluation
Chris Olson
Olson, Emma
502 - Defining the US Urban Flood Challenge
Emma Olson
Olson, Mitchell
573 - Are Low-Level PFAS Treatment Regulations and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals Compatible?
Mitchell Olson
Oluk, Isaac
University of Kentucky
387 - Navigating Sustainability Impacts of Bioretention Design for Stormwater Reuse
Isaac Oluk
388 - Training Graduate Students to Conduct Interdisciplinary Work at the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in a National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT)
Isaac Oluk
Olusegun, Tomomewo
398 - Selective Recovery and Recycling of Lithium from Produced Water Bakken Oilfield in North Dakota
Tomomewo Olusegun
O'Malley, Kassidy
Marquette University
20 - Mitigating Antibiotic Resistance in the Environment: Evaluating the Potential of Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Kassidy O'Malley
Onyango, Mbakisya
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
650 - Enhancing Stormwater Management: Climate Data Sources and Methodologies for Informed Decision-Making
Mbakisya Onyango
Orduna Alegria, Malena
40 - CHAMP: A Modeling Platform for Sustainable Groundwater Management Through Human-Environmental Interactions
Malena Orduna Alegria
Ore, John-Paul
425 - Rapidly Characterizing Surface Water Properties Using a Tethered UAV Sensor Package
John-Paul Ore
Ortega Achury, Sandra
643 - Stormwater Retention of Green Roofs in the Southeastern USA Represented by Curve Number Values
Sandra Ortega Achury
644 - Variability of Flow Frequency and Bankfull Discharge
Sandra Ortega Achury
Osborne, Bryson
379 - Water Quality Assessment of Muddy Run, Pennsylvania, USA
Bryson Osborne
Osborne, Chloe
309 - Coupling the Modelling of Continuity with Fingerprinting to Quantify Sediment Transport for Karst Streams and Caves
Chloe Osborne
567 - Coupling Sensor Networks with Integrated Models of Hydrologic Processes at the Watershed Scale to Estimate Water Flux, Sediment Transport Rates, and Water Quality Transformation
Chloe Osborne
O'Shea, Padraic
16 - Updated PeakFQ Software from USGS
Padraic O'Shea
549 - Modeling the Impacts of Hydroclimatic Variability on Floods Using Regional Shifts in Peak Streamflow Seasonality
Padraic O'Shea
Osman, Khalid
Stanford University
Sustainability Assessment Methods and Metrics
Khalid Osman
342 - In Our Own Backyards: Assessing Septic Failures in the Rural South Through Community Engaged Research
Khalid Osman
Osorio, Jorge
45 - Hydroclimatic Forecasting to inform Anticipatory Action for Dengue Burden in Colombia
Jorge Osorio
Ostfeld, Avi
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Advances in Water Distribution System Water Quality Modeling - II
Avi Ostfeld
Water Resources Modeling, Management, and Policy - IV
Avi Ostfeld
147 - Robust Booster Disinfection Scheduling Using Non-uniform Mixing Water Quality Models
Avi Ostfeld
150 - Calculation of Water Age Using Electrical Simulators
Avi Ostfeld
155 - Conjunctive Optimal Design of Water and Power Networks
Avi Ostfeld
156 - OWPF Solutions using Polyhedral and Conic Relaxations
Avi Ostfeld
348 - Operating Water Distribution Systems for Equitable Access to Clean Water
Avi Ostfeld
453 - Clustering Analysis in Water Distribution Systems for Enhanced Metering Infrastructure Retrofitting
Avi Ostfeld
504 - Conjunctive Operation of Water and Power Systems Under Uncertainty
Avi Ostfeld
Ostrom, Travis
305 - DC’s Stormwater Decade: Looking Back and Looking Forward
Travis Ostrom
Otieno, Maxine
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
650 - Enhancing Stormwater Management: Climate Data Sources and Methodologies for Informed Decision-Making
Maxine Otieno