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Packman, Aaron
25 - Monitoring the Hydrologic Performance and Stormwater Storage of Urban Prairies
Aaron Packman
36 - Modeling Hydraulic and Biochemical Processes in Soil-Aquifer Treatment Systems Impacted by Bioclogging
Aaron Packman
60 - Diagnosing Controls of Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Water Pollution: Leveraging Smart Sensor Networks and Real-Time Data for Process Understanding (SMARTWATER)
Aaron Packman
339 - Novel Adsorbent for Removal of PFAS and other Trace Organic Contaminants (TrOCs) from Municipal Wastewater
Aaron Packman
Pagan, Whitney
University of Georgia
518 - The Role of Estimated Soil Parameters on Bioretention Modeling
Whitney Pagan
Pakdehi, Maryam
Florida State University
177 - Generalizability of Neural Network Models for Hindcasting Maximum River Flood Depths in Coastal Watersheds
Maryam Pakdehi
Paliwal, Kush
Purdue University
466 - Laboratory Experiment on Fate and Transport of eDNA on Clean and Loaded Streambeds
Kush Paliwal
Pal, Mahesh
NIT, Kurukshetra
362 - Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Drinking and Potential Health Risks of Nitrate Pollution
Mahesh Pal
Palod, Nikita
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology
68 - Improvement of Computational Efficiency of Rao-II for Water Distribution Network Design by Infusing Search Space Reduction and Self-Adaptive Penalty
Nikita Palod
69 - A Single-Phase Model Incorporating the Variance of Pipe Flow as Reliability Surrogate in Optimal Design of Water Distribution Networks
Nikita Palod
Pamula, Abhiram Siva Prasad
223 - Assessment of Invasive Plant Stress on Green Urban Stormwater Infrastructure Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning
Abhiram Siva Prasad Pamula
Pamuru, Sai Thejaswini
University of Maryland
47 - Performance of Compost-Biochar Amended Soils in the terms of Vegetation, Water Quality, and Hydraulic Properties
Sai Thejaswini Pamuru
Panda, Sudhanshu
University of North Georgia
221 - Deriving Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curves for Helen, Georgia
Sudhanshu Panda
Pandey, Divyanshi
National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra
488 - Comparison of Urban Flood susceptibility Maps of MIKE+ and AHP with GIS Integration: A Case Study of Rohtak City, India
Divyanshi Pandey
Papagiannakis, Athanassios
University of Texas at San Antonio
557 - Assessment of LID Performance through Integration of Permeable Pavements with Digital Twins.
Athanassios Papagiannakis
Papakonstantinou, Kostas
178 - Prediction of climate change-induced alterations in streamflow and bridge scour and exploration of mitigation strategies: an application in a central Pennsylvania watershed
Kostas Papakonstantinou
Parajuli, Utsav
Southern Illinois University
436 - Assessing Flood Risk Through GIS-based Weighted Overlay and 1D Flood Simulation in Critical Sub-catchment
Utsav Parajuli
Parish, Esther
207 - Shifted Flood Frequencies in the Mid-Atlantic US: Insights from Downscaled CMIP6 Hydroclimate Projections
Esther Parish
Park, Jeong
21 - Hydraulic Design of an Environmental Water Supply System for Wetland Hydration: A Case Study in the Central Florida Everglades
Jeong Park
Parolari, Anthony
Marquette University
105 - Evaluation of Infiltration Rate Changes with Age in Stormwater Infiltration Basins
Anthony Parolari
245 - Stream Nutrient Modeling Using Data-driven Sparse Sensing
Anthony Parolari
500 - Modeling Collection System Climate Change Response and Uncertainty Using a Global Climate Model (GCM) Ensemble
Anthony Parolari
501 - System-Scale Green Infrastructure Performance Evaluation and Prioritization Under Future Climate: GCM Data-informed Urban Hydrologic Modeling
Anthony Parolari
Pasha, Fayzul
California State University, Fresno
241 - A Planning and Estimating Tool for Brine Pipelines – Pilot Study
Fayzul Pasha
453 - Clustering Analysis in Water Distribution Systems for Enhanced Metering Infrastructure Retrofitting
Fayzul Pasha
Patel, Prem Lal
422 - Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Flow Velocity Distribution Profile and Bed Shear Stress over Alluvial Beds
Prem Lal Patel
Payab, Haseeb
294 - Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on Flooding in Camden, NJ Using a Coupled 1D-2D all Pipes Model
Haseeb Payab
Pecci, Filippo
156 - OWPF Solutions using Polyhedral and Conic Relaxations
Filippo Pecci
Pech, Spencer
542 - Evaluating Drainage Water Recycling for Crop Production and Water Quality in Iowa
Spencer Pech
Peltier, Edward
University of Kansas
176 - Assessing the Role of Treatment Wetlands in Nutrient and Sediment Control in Kansas
Edward Peltier
180 - Defining Equity and Resilience for Drinking Water Distribution Systems
Edward Peltier
Perelman, Gal
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
155 - Conjunctive Optimal Design of Water and Power Networks
Gal Perelman
504 - Conjunctive Operation of Water and Power Systems Under Uncertainty
Gal Perelman
Perez, Michael
Auburn University
85 - Long-term and Design Rainfall-Runoff Simulations of Infiltration Swales along Alabama Roads
Michael Perez
Pernat, Madeline
University of Colorado Boulder
87 - The Relative Importance of Model Type Versus Input Features for Water Supply Forecasting in Snow-Dominated River Basins of the Southwest US
Madeline Pernat
134 - Enhancing Many Objective Robust Decision Making in the Colorado River Basin through Robust Optimization and Comparative Analysis
Madeline Pernat
Persis, Claudio De
94 - Data Driven System Identification of Water Distribution Systems via Kernel-Based Interpolation
Claudio De Persis
Pervaiz, Fahad
250 - Evaluation of Natural, Existing, and Proposed Conditions of a Railway Arch Bridge over Limestone Creek in Jefferson County, Illinois
Fahad Pervaiz
253 - Unlocking the Power of 2D Watershed Modeling with Rain-on-Mesh in HEC RAS: Embrace the Sooner Solution
Fahad Pervaiz
Pesantez, Jorge
California State University Fresno
Water Demand Management Strategies in the Digital Era
Jorge Pesantez
Water Distribution System Data Analytics, System Operation, and Control - I
Jorge Pesantez
452 - Unlocking Water Demand Patterns and Outdoor Consumption Insights for Targeted Conservation Strategies
Jorge Pesantez
453 - Clustering Analysis in Water Distribution Systems for Enhanced Metering Infrastructure Retrofitting
Jorge Pesantez
Peterson, Sarah
633 - Case Study of Climate Change Effects on a Water Distribution System Design in Ha Leronti, Lesotho, Africa
Sarah Peterson
Petschauer, Dawn
City of Pasadena
282 - From Management Program to Meaningful Projects – How Pasadena Created an Implementable Pathway to Progress Towards MS4 Compliance
Dawn Petschauer
Pfeiffer, Emilie
25 - Monitoring the Hydrologic Performance and Stormwater Storage of Urban Prairies
Emilie Pfeiffer
Piemonti, A. Debora
Groundwater Modeling: Applications, Tools, Techniques - I
A. Debora Piemonti
462 - Optimizing Water Quality Monitoring Locations for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
A. Debora Piemonti
Pierce, Trevor
646 - Sustainable Employment of MICP for Engineering Applications - Current Trends and Future Perspectives
Trevor Pierce
Pinilla, John
63 - Drinking Water in Oil and Gas Wells to Be Abandoned. - A Technical Guide for the Oil Industry to Supply Water to Resource-poor Communities
John Pinilla
Pino-Vargas, Edwin
Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre
552 - Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use on Projections of Erosion and Sediment Production in the Jequetepeque River Basin in the Peruvian Andes
Edwin Pino-Vargas
Pitcher, Brent
228 - Revolutionizing the Milwaukee County Zoo: A Haven for our Hippo Friends
Brent Pitcher
Platten III, William
365 - Investigating Premise Plumbing Flushing with 2D Random Walk Particle Tracking Approach
William Platten III
Plazas-Tuttle, Jaime
594 - Characterizing the Sustainability of Point-of-use Water Disinfection Technologies for Communities
Jaime Plazas-Tuttle
Plier, Bre
Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD)
MMSD Climate Resilient Watersheds Metrics Tracking Program
Bre Plier
MMSD’s Green Storm Water Infrastructure Implementation Goals and How Implementation has Benefited from a Public Private Partnership (P3)
Bre Plier
Poff, Jason
Oregon State University
291 - A Data Driven Approach for Resilience Analysis of Water Distribution Networks
Jason Poff
437 - Synthetic Water Distribution Network Models: Challenges and Opportunities
Jason Poff
578 - From Data to Resilience: How Hybrid Modelling Informs Decision-Making
Jason Poff
Pokhrel, Sarin
38 - Evaluating and Benchmarking Integrated Urban Water System Performance based on ‘One Water’ Approach
Sarin Pokhrel
Polatel, Ceyda
Statistical, Risk, and Uncertainty Analyses in Hydrology - I
Ceyda Polatel
Statistical, Risk, and Uncertainty Analyses in Hydrology - II
Ceyda Polatel
Surface Water Hydrology Technical Committee Meeting
Ceyda Polatel
654 - A Copula-Based Tool for Coastal Compound Flood Risk Assessment
Ceyda Polatel
Polcuch, Christina
575 - Changing Energy Requirements to Meet Future Water Demand
Christina Polcuch
Pophet, Nutitta
Web-based Flood Inundation Modeling with DSS-WISE Web: A Short Course on Recent Updates with Hands-On Training
Nutitta Pophet
Poppe, Brooke
Engineers Without Borders USA
Community Engineering Corps – Striving Towards Equitable Water Infrastructure
Brooke Poppe
Poudel, Bishal
436 - Assessing Flood Risk Through GIS-based Weighted Overlay and 1D Flood Simulation in Critical Sub-catchment
Bishal Poudel
Poudel, Susan
98 - Study of Ice Formation/Jam Events on the Missouri River Using HEC-RAS
Susan Poudel
99 - Simulations of Impacts of Natural and Nature-Based Features on Flooding Along the Alabama Coast
Susan Poudel
Poudyal, Bhanu
136 - Development of Two-Dimensional Benchmark Problems for Testing Richards Equation-Based Numerical Solvers
Bhanu Poudyal
216 - A Modified Experimental Approach for Estimating Unsaturated Soil Hydraulic Properties using the Evaporation Method
Bhanu Poudyal
Poudyal, Damodar
525 - Assessing Temporal Landcover-Changes Along Two Intermittent Creeks in Northwest South Dakota
Damodar Poudyal
532 - Hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport in the Cheyenne River
Damodar Poudyal
Powell, Deneine Christa
Urban Sustainability Directors Network
Exploring the Intersection of Equity, Climate Resilience, and Climate Migration in the Great Lakes Region
Deneine Christa Powell
Pozzi, Matteo
202 - Using Statistical Time-Series Models to Project Climate Change Impacts on Regional Hydrology
Matteo Pozzi
Pradhan, Ankita
260 - Process-based Flood Frequency Analysis: A Key to Unlock the Impacts of Climate Change on Floods
Ankita Pradhan
Preetha, Pooja
Alabama A&M University
278 - Utilizing Remotely Sensed GRACE Data for Streamflow and Groundwater Recharge Estimation in CONUS River Basins
Pooja Preetha
Purrington, Katie
Visit Anchorage
EWRI Congress 2025 - Anchorage Alaska !!
Katie Purrington
Putri, Saskia
Lehigh University
93 - Economic Model Predictive Control of Water Distribution Systems with Accelerated Optimization Algorithm
Saskia Putri
94 - Data Driven System Identification of Water Distribution Systems via Kernel-Based Interpolation
Saskia Putri