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  • Monday, May 20th
    1:00 PM – 2:30 PM CT
    Circular Economy and Nexus Approaches for Water
    Room: S 102 A
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Monday, May 20th
    1:00 PM – 1:15 PM CT
    388 - Training Graduate Students to Conduct Interdisciplinary Work at the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in a National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT)
    Room: S 102 A
    Author: Isaac Oluk (he/him/his) – University of Kentucky
    Co-Author: Diana M. Byrne, PhD,A.M.ASCE – University of Kentucky
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Monday, May 20th
    1:15 PM – 1:30 PM CT
    336 - Sustainable Materials for Nutrient Reuse and Drought Stress Management in Agricultural Fields
    Room: S 102 A
    Co-Author: David Brand
    Co-Author: Jackson Sauers
    Co-Author: KJ.R. Reddy
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Monday, May 20th
    1:30 PM – 1:45 PM CT
    596 - Circularity: Understanding the Water and Emissions Tradeoffs of 3D Printing with Waste Plastics
    Room: S 102 A
    Author: Yael R. Glazer – The University of Texas at Austin
    Co-Author: Michael Webber – The University of Texas at Austin
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Monday, May 20th
    1:45 PM – 2:00 PM CT
    553 - Quantifying Outdoor Urban Water Usage Trends within the Colorado River Basin
    Room: S 102 A
    Author: Nicholas Guthro (he/him/his) – University of Colorado
    Author (not presenting): Aditi Bhaskar
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Monday, May 20th
    2:00 PM – 2:15 PM CT
    648 - Assessment of circular economy potential in water and agriculture sectors in the context of WEF Nexus in Türkiye
    Room: S 102 A
    Author: Emre Alp, Ph.D – Middle East Technical University
    Co-Author: Ece Demir
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Monday, May 20th
    4:45 PM – 6:15 PM CT
    Sustainability Assessment Methods and Metrics
    Room: S 103 D
    Moderator: Khalid K. Osman, Ph.D. (he/him/his) – Stanford University
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Monday, May 20th
    4:45 PM – 5:00 PM CT
    313 - Leveraging Envision® and ESG for Improved Sustainability Performance in Projects and in the Workplace
    Room: S 103 D
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Monday, May 20th
    5:00 PM – 5:15 PM CT
    11 - Comparative Sustainability and Resiliency Evaluation of Conventional and Bioreactor Landfills
    Room: S 103 D
    Author: Jagadeesh Kumar Janga (he/him/his) – University of Illinois Chicago
    Co-Author: Krishna R. Reddy, Ph.D., PE, ENV SP – University of Illinois at Chicago
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Monday, May 20th
    5:15 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    108 - Water Consumption Quantification in Life Cycle Assessments: A Temporal-Specific Approach
    Room: S 103 D
    Author: Joshua Glass (he/him/his) – University of Notre Dame
    Co-Author: Emily Grubert (she/her/hers) – University of Notre Dame
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Monday, May 20th
    5:30 PM – 5:45 PM CT
    387 - Navigating Sustainability Impacts of Bioretention Design for Stormwater Reuse
    Room: S 103 D
    Author: Isaac Oluk (he/him/his) – University of Kentucky
    Co-Author: Diana M. Byrne, PhD,A.M.ASCE – University of Kentucky
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Monday, May 20th
    5:45 PM – 6:00 PM CT
    465 - Holistic Framework for Sustainability Assessment of Water Treatment Plants
    Room: S 103 D
    Author: Ali Turki Alzeyadi (he/him/his) – University of AlQadisiyah
    Co-Author: Ali Al-Attabic
    Co-Author: Salah Zubaidi
    Co-Author (not attending): Rafid M. Alkhaddar, PhD – Liverpool John Moores University
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Tuesday, May 21st
    4:45 PM – 6:30 PM CT
    Ecosystem Management for Sustainability in a Changing Climate
    Room: S 103 C
    Moderator: Denis Ruttenberg (he/him/his) – Santa Clara Valley Water District
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Tuesday, May 21st
    4:45 PM – 5:00 PM CT
    525 - Assessing Temporal Landcover-Changes Along Two Intermittent Creeks in Northwest South Dakota
    Room: S 103 C
    Co-Author: Lisa Kunza
    Co-Author: Patrick Kozak
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Tuesday, May 21st
    5:00 PM – 5:15 PM CT
    650 - Enhancing Stormwater Management: Climate Data Sources and Methodologies for Informed Decision-Making
    Room: S 103 C
    Author: Maxine Otieno – University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
    Co-Author: Jejal Reddy Bathi, Aff.M.ASCE – University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
    Co-Author: Mbakisya A. Onyango, Professor – The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Tuesday, May 21st
    5:15 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    373 - Urban Coastlines at Risk: Identifying Physical, Social, and Sociophysical Vulnerability Drivers in Texas’ Coastal Bend
    Room: S 103 C
    Author: Oswald Jenewein – University of Texas at Arlington
    Co-Author: Karabi Bezboruah – University of Texas at Arlington
    Co-Author: Michelle Hummel – University of Texas at Arlington
    Co-Author: Scott Bojanowski
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Tuesday, May 21st
    5:30 PM – 5:45 PM CT
    565 - Designing for Human and Aquatic Interchange: Optimizing an Instream Design to Sustainably Convey Flow, Preserve Infrastructure, and Support Ecological Highways for Fish Passage
    Room: S 103 C
    Author: Denis Ruttenberg (he/him/his) – Santa Clara Valley Water District
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Tuesday, May 21st
    5:45 PM – 6:00 PM CT
    616 - Approaches for Restoring an Urban Tidal Creek/Salt Marsh System to Restore Ecological Function and Promote Community Engagement
    Room: S 103 C
    Author: Paul Mathisen, Ph.D., P.E. (he/him/his) – Worcester Polytechnic Inst.
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Tuesday, May 21st
    6:00 PM – 6:15 PM CT
    228 - Revolutionizing the Milwaukee County Zoo: A Haven for our Hippo Friends
    Room: S 103 C
    Co-Author: Jim Lisak
    Co-Author: Brent Pitcher
    Co-Author: Amos Morris
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    3:00 PM – 4:30 PM CT
    Resilience in Sustainability
    Room: S 101 C
    Moderator: Allisa Hastie – Stanford University
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    3:00 PM – 4:30 PM CT
    Social Equity in Water and Environmental Infrastructure Systems - I
    Room: S 102 C
    Moderator: Diana M. Byrne, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE – University of Kentucky
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    3:00 PM – 3:15 PM CT
    113 - Impact of Water and Sanitation Access on Quality-of-life Outcomes in Informal Settlements
    Room: S 102 C
    Author: Hassaan Furqan Khan – Tufts University
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    3:00 PM – 3:15 PM CT
    266 - Jointly on Stormwater Pipe Joints
    Room: S 101 C
    Author: Jake Brunoehler, P.E., M.ASCE – Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. (ADS)
    Co-Author: Cate Thompson
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    3:15 PM – 3:30 PM CT
    401 - Exploring Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling for Microclimatic Wind and Urban Thermal Environment: A Case Study of the Miami Design District in Miami, Florida
    Room: S 101 C
    Author: Arturo S. Leon (he/him/his) – Florida International University
    Co-Author: Ali Ebrahimian, PhD, A.M.ASCE – Florida International University
    Co-Author: Ben Kirtman
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    3:15 PM – 3:30 PM CT
    516 - Incorporating Household-level Susceptibilities and Capacities in Flood Risk Assessment
    Room: S 102 C
    Author: Haley Selsor – Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems, UGA
    Co-Author: Brian Bledsoe, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE – Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems, University of Georgia
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    3:30 PM – 3:45 PM CT
    148 - Extreme Weather in South Korean Urban Areas: An Analysis of Environmental Data and Filter Media Resilience
    Room: S 101 C
    Author: Miguel Enrico Robles – Kongju National University
    Co-Author (not attending): Chiny Vispo – Kongju National University
    Co-Author (not attending): Franz Kevin Geronimo – Kongju National University
    Co-Author: Lee-Hyung Kim, Ph.D – Kongju National University
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    3:30 PM – 3:45 PM CT
    342 - In Our Own Backyards: Assessing Septic Failures in the Rural South Through Community Engaged Research
    Room: S 102 C
    Author: Allisa Hastie – Stanford University
    Co-Author (not attending): Brandon Hunter
    Author (not presenting): Khalid K. Osman, PhD (he/him/his) – Stanford University
    Co-Author (not attending): Lorelay Mendoza Grijalva
    Co-Author (not attending): William Tarpeh
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    3:45 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    107 - Deep Residential Building Efficiency as a Resilience Strategy
    Room: S 101 C
    Author: Emily Grubert (she/her/hers) – University of Notre Dame
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    3:45 PM – 4:00 PM CT
    366 - Urban Rainfall Flood Risk Equity in Southeast Michigan
    Room: S 102 C
    Author: Jessica Alger – Michigan Technological University
    Co-Author: David W. Watkins, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. – Michigan Technological University
    Co-Author: Mary Ellen Miller, PhD – Michigan Tech Research Institute
    Co-Author: Michael Battaglia – Michigan Tech Research Institute
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    4:00 PM – 4:15 PM CT
    646 - Sustainable Employment of MICP for Engineering Applications - Current Trends and Future Perspectives
    Room: S 101 C
    Author: Lynal Albert – Tarleton State University
    Co-Author: Fei Wang
    Co-Author: Tanna Morquecho
    Co-Author: Trevor Pierce
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    4:45 PM – 6:15 PM CT
    Social Equity in Water and Environmental Infrastructure Systems - II
    Room: S 102 C
    Moderator: Allisa Hastie – Stanford University
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    4:45 PM – 5:00 PM CT
    180 - Defining Equity and Resilience for Drinking Water Distribution Systems
    Room: S 102 C
    Author: Edward F. Peltier, PhD – University of Kansas
    Co-Author: Emma Russin
    Co-Author: Justin M. Hutchison, PhD – University of Kansas
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    5:00 PM – 5:15 PM CT
    174 - Holistic Assessment of Social, Environmental and Economic Impacts of Pipe Breaks: A Case study of Vancouver
    Room: S 102 C
    Author: Rebecca Dziedzic – Concordia University
    Co-Author: Armine Sinaei
    Co-Author (not attending): Enrico Creaco – University of Pavia
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    5:15 PM – 5:30 PM CT
    348 - Operating Water Distribution Systems for Equitable Access to Clean Water
    Room: S 102 C
    Author: Brent Vizanko – North Carolina State University
    Co-Author: Avi Ostfeld, PhD, D.WRE, F.EWRI, F.ASCE – Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
    Co-Author: Emily Z. Berglund, Ph.D. – North Carolina State University
    Co-Author: Sriman Pankaj Boindala – KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
    Co-Author: Tomer Shmaya (he/him/his) – Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    5:30 PM – 5:45 PM CT
    529 - An Agent-based Modelling Approach to Assess the Socio-economic and Social Equity Impacts of Dynamic Pricing in Residential Water Management
    Room: S 102 C
    Author: Cade Karrenberg (they/them/theirs) – North Carolina State University
    Co-Author: Emily Z. Berglund, Ph.D. – North Carolina State University
    Co-Author: Eric C. Edwards, Ph.D. – North Carolina State University
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)
  • Wednesday, May 22nd
    5:45 PM – 6:00 PM CT
    419 - Operationalizing Equity in Long Term Control Plan (LTCP) Planning – Case Study of the Buffalo Sewer Authority
    Room: S 102 C
    Author: Nadia Mugisha, PE, PMP, CDT – Arcadis of New York, Inc.
    Co-Author: Karyn Riley
    Co-Author: Kristina Macro
    Sustainability (Interdisciplinary)